Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Spend 20 bucks on tibit todae at NTUC, POCKET BURNED :( hopefully the sponser didnt backup wif his word :D HEHE.

Just finish 2 hello panda, and countless of pocky and mentos. Feeling super hyper now, and totally no mood for work -.-. BUT at least i had done the work that i needed to hand in tmr. :X

Anws cheer up ya, no nid to feel sad or down or wadever la, juz hav the past happy.go.lucky attitude u hav ok :D realli love to see u smile and laugh. :D MUST OK :) got anything can sms/call me. My promise to you will always stand. Hope u still rmb ba. Dun think so much, life still had to carry on.

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