Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thing are realli so qiao

AS TITLE SUGGESTED, U SHLD NOE WHO U ARE. LOL, i am nt out to create trouble for you, but just having my own fun. oww man, i felt so bad. BUT WHO CARES. LOL. Tis shldnt be hurting anws. ha

OK, ANWS todae was quite epic dae but aso a fruitful dae. Went shopping wif david in lot 1, FIRST TIME SIOL. And shop for present for her sis, and at the same time, i shop for sum1 la. LOL, and apparently, there nt realli alot of gift shop in lot 1, and ending up just bought the breado or wadever la, and david had spend dunno hw many zillion second to write "happy b'dae" and " 19th b'dae", and i am stoning down there and wait for him. See i am dam kind. HA, so after writing, still nid to wait for it to dry, hence we gt 15mins "break". We went to buy bubble tea and i went to buy famous amos. WOOT, I AM DEEP IN LOVE WIF THE COOKIES. FINISH EVERYDAE IN 1 DAE IS THE MOTION. lol, ok la, spended like near to 10 bucks. Wil, pls return my $ asap. LOL. OK, we went bak and collect and that is tis gal who dropped 2 bucks on the floor, and mi and david was staring at it. " oi, david go take and return la", " walao u go la.", ok this convo nrv come to the end, and ending up both of us go take the $ and wait for the gal outside the toilet, and make us wait like dunno hw long lor. -.- shld hav koped the money, waste our time, haiyo. But see we are kind-hearted person, so we return the money. WHY DUN HAV HAO SHI MING(ps, copy. :X) MEDAL. LOL

Bused home, and tok alot rubbish on the way. ha, fun and time-consuming. :( worst thing is, i nrv even buy anything. LOL, i am sorry :X i shall get u 1 asap, when i see it. HAHA, off to do work le


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