Saturday, July 11, 2009


Rawr, i am realli sorry once again, i noe it was my fault todae, BUT it was aso the workshop that ended late. Realli sorry~

Anws i am sorry for all the joke that i had make yest, i noe it had make you angry :x Dui bu qi la, come i giv u sum choc ok :D HAHA

Abt the fb-ing rubbish, i am fine wif it, dun hav to keep asking -.- and i dun realli giv a fk dam abt it la. spam all you wan lor. hehe. AND MAX I AM NT BEING OWNED :(

i admited juz now i was realli dam bosong, coz of sum incident. On top of that, the workshop had drag an hour, which realli take up alot of my time. :( RAWR, alfred, joseph, weiyang, you guys are dam gd one. TY alot.

Haha, but after toking to kambing and clare, the 2 joker/crapper/cat,sheep/singer/story teller. It realli make mi laugh out loud. :X The 40min convo realli do help alot. xiexie ni men. Super long nrv laugh so much le, haha. Hehe, find more chance we shall hav more such convo. :D wee

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