Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It time for goodbye.

Oral yesterdae is juz gonnna be screwed up big time, serious. Amath test is more jialat, chances of getting 0 is like so dam high. -.- k, my life is screwed. fml pls.

Yest, it just a day where many thing had realli happen, sometime, it realli getting dam sian when it had been dragged, i rather let it go now, and forget all soon.

I believe i had smsed to those i wanted to sms last night and i had sae every piece out
, and yea i didnt realli sae everything, but i believe most of it le i guess. Pls dun reply me, thank.

Realli wanna thank you so much, you are the one who let mi feel that someone would be that for me when i nid help, u are the one had been always tolerant my rubbish and joke i had make which might be rather offensive sometime, but u didnt even give a dam. You are the one who had always be there to kill my boredness, anytime and anywhere (thought it juz a few days, but trust mi, it finally help dam lot). Rmb the few night during the holiday, we are just like some crazy ass, who onli sleep awhile and had been spamming ea other and abusing the sms dam lots. I will always rmb the time where we had talk during the midnite, and u are like the onli one who wasnt asleep by den, i still vaguely remember that the nxt dae was like start of term 3. We had onli slept for like 2hr onli. That was serious madness. The open-ness that we will talking about was seriously open, and i bet not much girl would be daring enuff to sae all those out. Yea, u did when u dun even know me well enough. Thank you so much. I really got hell lot of thing wanna tell you, but since he had said it out, i think it time for us to stop, i dun wanna see you tearing over this issue cause by me. I am really sorry, for the thing that had happen yest, realli didnt expect it at all. Anws, pls remember to stop tearing over some issue, i know it might be hurting at times, but life still had to carry on, if nxt time ever see you by chance, dun wanna see your "kanna.punch.eye" le ok. SMILE~. All the best my crapmate, you can do it for every single thing ok. The promise i had made, the dream that i had told u, i gonna happen. Like i told you, little thing you said might just make a great impact of someone life.
Farewell, best wishes to you <3.
Screw it, it like 730am now, no time for the rest, shall cont when i reach home today. Just rmb, fml is the key for everything now.

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