Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cheer up ppl :D

Firstly before i start, i must admit i am nt gd wif handling wif words, so if i had ever offend u in a way or another, pls tell mi.
Secondly i gonna rush out tis post, coz i still gt effing lot of stuff havet complete.

Anws juz wanna sae sum stuffs to the following ppl :

Faith: I always noe you are a strong gal, and u had nrv failed to proof mi wrong abt that. :D Life is full of up and down, and i had nrv ever expected sumone would be able to dao tis kind of incident and carry on wif ur life, and i must admit even if i was the one in ur shoes, i might not be able to do sumthing like this. With ur great planning ahead, i can ensure you that u gonna be veri success women ok. :D And I meant wad i sae ah, DUN FORGET HOR. hoho, i had mentally return you wad u did to me during Feb, when my life was realli low and u are the one who was always by my side, listening to my rubbish. Hehe, the moment where i cant forget. Cheers, and all the ways for ur studies and netball ok, MUST add oil, UNTIL FATFAT. So nxt time can sing the "GO FATS" song. haha.

Clare: You ah.. cheer up ok :D No nid be so moody one la, juz now u totally scare mi off when i listen to the phone la, there so big major chng in ur sound from 6+ to 8+. :X MUST CHEER UP OK? If nt, i gt no one to crap with le. Wanna hav sum sweet :X dun mind u help mi keep and kope dem

To those ppl (You noe who you are)
: I believe that i had make a correct choice, and TIS TIME, i would hav no more regrets abt it le. The abv 2 person had taught mi abt the happy.go.lucky attitude i shld hav currently, as a kid, we shld do sum dumbdumb thing and ppl would forgive us thing easily. Hmm, Regretting on my own actions, needless to sae, i will onli be the one who is responsible for it, pls stop advising mi abt it, i noe all of u did it for me, and i am veri thankful to noe you people and wad u guys had done for mi. But dun worry, i am nt longer the chong wei u all knew 3 yr ago, and start pointing finger over sum stuff, now i would take it ok? :D Cheer every1, it nt like it gonna be the end of the world tmr. And sry ah, u guys had wasted so much time on me, and yet i nrv chng my mind :x SORRY~ and thankkkkkk. I am realli honour to hav you guys as my fwen. LOVE YA

OH YEA, y is every1 suddenly so interest in the word bonding? :x You all shld noe, doing it in unity is as gd as telling a vulgar infront of DM, HAHA, but no harming trying, IT GONNA BE A FK FUN EXPERIENCE. Bleh, i noe alot ppl cfm mind one -.-. And Gerv, u noe the meaning le, any different in ur life? HAHA.

*awaiting for my ice-cream/sweets/ chips OR WADEVER WHICH IS JUNK FOOD :( * sum kind-soul, pls buy for mi. xiexie

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