Thursday, July 30, 2009

Life was never the same without you!

Even if there were a colourful rainbow out there, it would still look like a normal day, black and white to me. Such things are meant to be the beautiful but they just turn out to be plain and boring for me.Before, I had never realli thought about how impt you were to me, but after so many incidents, i had found out that the one and only answer

Life has realli changed quite alot without you by my side. Me without you is as gd as the minnie without the mickey, the piglet without the pooh. I am not quite sure if u have noticed it, but i definitely hope u had, and i noe u are not cold-blooded rite? The things that u have given mi in the past were so wonderful, it just kept mi moving, seriously can i hav dem bak rite now. D:, I REALLI NID IT. You had nrv knew hw much i had struggled myself during this period of time. I wanna do it, but yet i cant, that just sumthing which is holding on to me and i juz cant move on. Losing you, it as gd as a sportman lost his master arm/leg, a artist without the brush. I am just dam upset, and i hav no idea wad i can do to savage this, but i hope that sumthing i can do. Hopefully, wad i sae to you had still stand strong. Sorry for last nite anws.

haiya, i am just dam stuck, life is just the normal sch dae, and go home start mugging/ stuck my ass infront of comp onli, shldnt post much more abt tis anws, it just bored life. :(

k that shld be all for todae, realli sian and no mood -.-

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