Saturday, May 30, 2009


To think back, its been so long since we last had family meeting, or wadever u called that. Tonite was totally a screwed nite, and i had nt voice out wad i think. Personally, 1 of the reason i did not wan to voice out is due my result, and i partly noe its due to that den they wanted tonite talk. I am realli on my top when was toking abt wad i realli wan. What is my dream and goal, what i gonna do to make full use of the holiday. To be frank, i got no idea, i juz freaking wanted a relax and did not consist of so much work one, i am rather fine wif it, i dun realli care hw much free time i hav.

~Stop here if u wasnt a unitian unless u are interested in how bias a bitchy sch can get.

Now dragging the issue to Volleyball, for ppl who realli noe mi, i am rather fked up, when unity had close their vball boy, and thinking of the FKING BUDGET that they are having, and giving all the right to the Bballer. AND EVEN WANTED A DONATION FROM US FOR THE SCH FUNFAIR, AND EVEN TO A EXTEND, SPAMMING US TO SELL THE COUPON. After tonite, I STRONGLY THINK THAT MY ACTION WAS NOT EVEN WRONG AT THE FIRST PLACE BY NT SELLING ANYTHING, closing down vball for the sake of needy people? Sry yea, I AM NOT A HERO/GOD/ANGEL WADEVER, WHO WOULD JUZ KILL MYSELF TO SAVE THE OTHERS LA, I AM ASO A FKING HUMAN HERE. Y cant u ppl juz think abt it, losing vball to mi is so much, and unity had even rub salt into the wound. I nrv even make a freaking sound abt it, and come on la, we dun pay school fee for no freaking gd reason. And i am realli sick and tired of hearing all the moral values and so on, if i dun hav SO BE IT MAN, i dun realli giv a fking dam. Saeing it all for needy student? Make sum proof of it, in my eye, i onli saw stuff given to the bballer, and wad do the vballer get when we are still in unity. NTH? basically its juz all bias la, school wanted to giv the best for those who can bring bak fame to the school, but not those who are juz wasting their money. And if my memory nrv failed mi, 1 of the teachers had sae that unity had alot of cca, hence they had decided to close down some of it. Srsly, i gonna shoot tis like no one business. Just look at the other school in singapore, and u are telling mi unity had alot cca, juz for fking sake la, i think u shld go read up on more sec sch webpage be4 making a statement.Shall i juz name sum school who got MUCH more cca den unity. HCI, NY, SMSS, st nick, RI, NJC (sec), cat high, PHS, RV, nan hua, and this list will continue to go in. Since the thing go this way, shall i oppo to unity 1 of this day? Since my dream had be scattered by unity, wad i always aim for its all juz a dream now, i noe its nt gonna be happen.

This incident had realli put mi in situation of wad shld i do, and i believe its had drag to many of our team meeting and talk. It had realli cause many unpleasant stuff for mi, and i didnt even make any noisy, I TOOK IT ALL BY MYSELF, but yet at the same time, unity had been reminding mi of that stuff over and over again. Tears was seen upon this incident, and if i nrv failed to rmb the date when unity vball boy had close was on 16 Feb'09, a date where wad i wanted WAS ALL GONE. Kudo to unity. Tyvm.

Yes again, you guys ask mi standing in the shoes of you, I TRIED and i dun freaking see a reason y must u guys be so bias. Furthermore, u guys giv a reason of " coz no sec 1 was from vball pri sch team" and may i ask u, hw many player in the unity bball team, wasnt a player from pri sch in the main team currently. From my understanding, the soo's+ gad wasnt. Since bballer can be trained up, y cant a vballer? Was it bcoz of lack of fund that the school hav now? Srsly its a effing lame reason u guys love to giv. If u guys wasnt bias, WE MIGHT make it to west zone top 4 aso, who would noe the answer. No one, coz it all over. Are we given a second chance again, NO? and did unity bballer start winning suddenly over the nite, NO? Are we even giving a fair training timing as them, NO? Can u even see the FAIRNESS and unity had given to the vballer. I must hence salute to wad unity had done. Once again, tyvm for ur action, i gotta love it so much.

You guys had asking mi wad i wanted, and what i realli wanted rite now, its juz a better place for studying even all the lame shyt reason around when sumthing went screw, i want bak vball as my cca. But is this gonna happen? i can 101% ensure you that ITS NOT GONNA FKING HAPPEN, so could we juz end this topic. and stop being a two-sided person, trying to be so nice to me when u guys nid mi, and in return giving mi shyt attitude?

To unity:
I dun care if teacher or whoever had read my blog, i sae be4
the world is currently a freedom of speech, if u wasnt happy wif wad i typed, i cant be bother at the first place, and that how life work, WASNT IT UNITY? Ppl are selfish, no one wanna to lost up anything. In the third world country, even the children would snatch food away from their parent, WAD MAKE U THINK A 100% NORMAL HUMAN LIKE MI WONT WAN MY OWN RIGHT IN SCHOOL. Come on la, u guys juz love to hav fame, so wad unity make it to the "16 schools to offer DSA for athletes" SO? wasnt u guys juz trying to get a taste of fame out there. Yes, i am freaking whining rite now, i am nt like others who dun dare to voice out wad they think, and i freaking think i had show face to voice out so long after it, COZ THINKING BACK ITS WAS REALLI A FKING PAINFUL EXPERIENCE FOR MI. I had to come though the hardest period of my life (up to date), and wad did unity do. NOTHING. i am rather sure, without her, i would not be able to pick up so fast. and yea so to the one, i realli thank you alot, at least u tried to do sumthing unlike unity.

So yea, this post is specially written juz for unity, U GUYS WANTED THE FAME RITE? i shall giv u guys my helping hand, HOPE U WOULD LOVE IT SO MUCH. Like wad i sae in the last few post, i got nothing to lost now, so wanna get mi into trouble, so be it. Like wad my dad sae, i dun giv a dam wad u do outside, but once its get to police, i dun giv a dam abt u anymore. Who cares abt it, my result, vball is all screwed up big time, and i realli dun giv a fuck abt it now. To everyone, result is everything, but did they even think that result is juz to test ur standard of you, but not to make u fking suffer? DID THEY THINK ABT IT BE4, i dare sae NO.

To the soo's:
I am sorry for posting ur name, i am realli still on my top right now, and juz now, when i was all alone in the room, i had think it thou for at least 3hr. And tears was uncontrollable flowing out. Yes, i noe u guys might blame mi for that, but i realli cant be bothered abt it, it not the matter i care abt our fwenship or not, but i realli felt unfair abt it. Peter u shld understand this thing better then anyone, i had once told you the whole incident, so if u insist of i am at fault, i am fine wif it. If u guys got any issue, juz call mi anytime. Thank you and i am realli sry abt it.

Human are all selfish, i am no exception, so be4 u pushing the blame to mi, pls realli think it thou ur BIG FAT BRAIN FIRST, and dun giv mi all the lame excuses, i am realli sick and tired upon hearing those stuff. Just for the sake for those few who had been giving mi crap since unity vball close, and always toking to mi abt it. Stand in my shoes and think, and not juz giv sum crap of it, coz no doubt i will return to you after u done that to mi. And juz for ffs, pls stop being sum 2 sided ppl infront of mi, i realli felt dam fking disgusted by that. And yea, ur action could not be control by mi, so my typing could not be controlling by you, so when i realli blow up 1 dae, i might juz find u str8.

Realli apologise to those who wanst involved yet been drag down to the issue. Sry abt that.

Will there realli be miracle after the rainbow?

To the special one:

can i say? ... i don't want you to go? ... and i want to know?

can i say? ... is it too late? ... or our acquaintance is fate?

can i say? ... i think of you all the time? ... but we're not ready for the climb?

can i say? ... we have each other? ...isn't that all that matters?

can i say?... i wish you were here with me? or would u rather be with your other friends and family?

can i say? ... we will hold hands forever, never apart? can we swear we'll never give up?

can i say? ... when i look into your eyes i see them glow? or is it just because we had been staring at the beautiful rainbow?

can i say? ... i'm sorry for being stubborn? will you forgive me if i promise to learn?

can i say? ... tomorrow is our special day? would you just turn and walk away?

can i say? ... your eyes talk to me? would you think that i'm crazy?

i tried to tell you all these, but now you're gone. i should have said them earlier, you would have answered me. now i can only guess, the words you would say to me. i stare up and i thought i saw you. oh. its just your warm and assuring smile. (:

i miss you, i realli do

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