Tuesday, May 5, 2009

screw ss/bio paper todae :(

Took ss/bio paper todae, i guess it would be sort of totally ownage but in a bad way for my result tis yr. Let start wif SS,

Had studied so much abt sri lanka and was PRAYING freaking hard that the essay qus come out, Instead sum retarded northern ireland and bonding Singapore qus come out, and i guess i was crapping half the time in my SS essay. Juz puting the rest of the hope on my SBQ which is like all on sri lanka, hopefully i wont flunk it man. I think exam its always like, the more u studies the more jialat ur result would get, argg dammit...

Bio was more fun ok? i had put Banana was rich in lipids, so that sportman consume them during their match as they are exercising. Even a three yr old kido would hav knew the answer was STARCH/carbohydrate nt fat or lipid, wad a great job I had done tis few dae man. Then all the qus was like, 1m here 1m there, making until so many qus, but heng the paper onli 1hr 15min, if not i might juz die in my class room. RIP :(.

Nvm happy thought, happy thought 2 more paper had down, meaning i hav like 2 emath paper, 1 amath paper, 1 geog paper, 1 chem paper, 1 hist paper. Total would be like.... 6 paper more, woots own like sum asshole out there now man.

After todae, It would hav given mi a 102 reasons to failed my MYE in overall le (random)

Tmr shall be a better day for mi. (HOPEFULLY). Would be having lunch wif my parent outside :) TIMSUM, so long nrv eat le :x futuremore i dun hav to pay a single cents for it. woots~ okok todae shall rest early as tmr will be the first emath paper.


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