Saturday, May 23, 2009

chemecar competition

Hmm, had wake up dam early tis morning to go KAP for my breakfast at mac. Went to ngee ann poly for our chemecar competition. YES, WE HAD MAKE MIRACLE

We had travel 15m for the first round, and we had make it to the next round. That was our aim be4 we went there, and the day when we testing out the distance we can travel. The second round distance given to us was 15m, we was rather happy at that time, since first round we can do it, y cant we do it for the second round. But i think we did hav abit of struggle at that point of time due to where if we shld increase the amount of baking soda.

Thought we didnt realli carry much hope, but we juz wanna to bring the best out of us, and hope that the effort will pay off sumhow, but yea its onli bring us that far. We had lost to NY in the second round by less den 1m. It was realli suay as our car had bang into sumthing which had make it stop. tsk.

COP is better den nth :x , we did try our best le, no more regrat for our grp now :). After the chemecar thingy, few of us went to KAP to hav our lunch and we had crap alot there. We do realli hav fun at that times. We had walked from KAP all the way bak to my house, we took like nearly 45min-1hr. haha, sry ppl.

Today would mark the 100 days for wad had happen between us, its serious rather screw, i am not even taking any action abt tis, i realli wonder at point of time, wad am i doing rite now, tis freaking moment la. I must be able to do wad i had promise to myself. I MUST AND I CAN.

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