Wednesday, May 27, 2009

End of camp.

Ok, We shall allow the time to tele bak to yest first ba, the second day of unity sec 3'09 camp.

*poof*, ok that juz for lame, and i am juz too bored ba

We had did our dragon boating at kallang river for the earlier part of the day, overall its was rather fun, plaeing around wif the water around there, trying our very best to get our boat to move. Argg, we screwed up in our planning but i think its still ok, every1 enjoy the fun there, and getting themselves wet due to the water fight. Water is flying all over the place, the coach is nt even spared from this. After all the "practice" we had, we had a mini race, my grp had turned up to be the fourth, we had so limited number of people, furthermore the guys number is sooooooo.... nt pathetic siol.

After that, we had our rocket launcher thingy la, which had realli make mi pissed off and let mi think of the chemecar incident. The first part was still rather fine when we are trying to build the launcher, nothing realli went wrong except different opition start to come in, but after that we all argeed on the same one and start working on it. We are in the same shelter as grp 5 who had build theirs in the simple way, yet it would work. My grp had build by foloing the 2pid clue that its given to us which dun seem to be any help at the first place, except its wasted our time and i think that is part of their plan. OK, the worst part come in now, its the time when every group are suppose to show hw far they can make the ball travel, and mi and alfred was toking abt the chemecar day thingy, and that retarded, brainless, fked up overall inchrg had came over to mi and ask, " y am i dismoralising my own teammate when i didnt even sae it, and putting word into my mouth, wts man." when i juz walk off, he asked mi wad attitude am i giving him. FFS, who was the one who was giving attitude la, totally spoilt the mood. If i would lost my temper that i might juz scream at him and sae. I srsly got nth to lost right now, vball? result? relationship? Project? school? NONE. Most to most, i get into sum sch trouble, expel? den oversea studies would seem to be the choice rite now. I must admit yest i was realli flare up after the incident, i was realli trying to find a punching bag juz whack it so hard to vent all my anger out. In the end, i juz went home and did sum other stuff shld i would rather enjoy and try to 4get abt those stuff.

I am realli sorry to those people(Nick, soo's, ben, nicol, clara, elvin) who i might have attitude you in a way or another or juz throw my temper at you. I was realli trying my best to cool down le, but i think nth can be done to make mi chill.

~Next day~

Ok, the last day of camp would be held in the school and seatosa. The first part of the day, we would be in school doing some of the team-building game, whereas second part would be in seatosa. Teambuilding game was rather nice and fun, it realli bond some of our teammate together. We might not hav win, but we had enjoy the game today. Fooling around, plaeing around.

The amazing race in seatosa was rather ok aso, juz that the time is realli short la, 2hr for a amazing race, we hardly can do anything. Thou in sum event, many ppl wif many diff thinking, if we shld walk or to take the tram. But yet, we all had come out to reach for a common point which every1 argeed. Today, its the first time i saw the whole team working together as 1.

After the amazing race, we cant stay in seatosa still to sum school policy or wdv crap it is la. So every1 had went bak to school to do their reflection for the 3 day camp and the game. My grp is the most quiet grp in the whole camp i guess, we had nrv done any cheers together as one, we nrv counter any "bomb" which had been throw to us. After finish the reflection, we had saw many other group taking picture together, but our group was juz that type of dao attitude la, every1 juz went on diff way. Elvin go for his disbrief, and some went to hav their dinner and so on. I think its the first time that I nrv had that kind of "dun bear to leave" thinking for the camp for last day, overall, we had onli avg spend 8 hr a day, so i dun realli think we are the so bonded up and having the open mindset to ea other yet, but other grp who realli glue up together fast might be diff.

Onli when the camp is realli over, and on our way home, we all had realli thought about wad we had did together for the past 3 day wif our darling coach and teammate, sumhw risk their life out to complete the task, other might be juz showing their sulking face, but together as a team, we try to complete as much as we can. Thinking back of all this, i felt that the camp is meaningful to me now, and I had realli enjoy the camp which is totally off my exceptation, a nt so adventurous adventurous camp. Realli wanna ty elvin for all this, i might not hav gotta noe them juz nice, but i got to know them now. Like wad you had sae, Good thing dun last forever, i guess its time for us to part and be4 that i wanna tell all this to you.

To elvin:
I got no idea how the heck you would read this, but I juz wanna apologise to you for my misbehaving for the past 3 day, and didnt realli wanna work so hard for the team, and had even show u sum attitude on the second day, I am realli sorry for all my action which might hav cause u upset, i noe that wad u sae in mouth wasnt wad u think in ur heart. You are juz too soft-hearted to us which led to incomplete stuff for the camp, but I must say that YOU ARE A GREAT COACH WHO MAKE US A BETTER PERSON, you had allow a group of people who didnt noe ea other inside out, to understand each other better and work together as a team to reach a goal. You dun even mind if u noe my name or not, but yet u still can get all of us moving at the same time. My salute to u elvin. You had juz inspire us to be a better ldr/person now. Ty alot. A quote from wad we always had been saeing, " WHO THE MAN, elvin the man" 3 cheers for you. I was realli thinking how would u ever read this man.

Nameless :D

I guess i realli nid sumone who is realli trustworthy to tok to wif all my prob rite now. Keeping everything to myself wasnt realli good, no solution can be found anws :( So please anyone.

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