Friday, May 8, 2009

Earliest of all :)

Today, shld be 1 of the earliest day i had reach home for this year i guess? Due to only 1 paper, and its onli like lasted for 1hr and 15mins. And obvious guai kia like mi (BHB lor..) would go for amath extra lesson, dun wanna flunk my amath. :)
Side note: 50% of our class ppl had failed emath P1, all the best for P2 man...

Yay, its onil like 5 days/120 hour more to end of tis freaking MYE man, but the worst had yet to come. RESULTS..., argg its realli quite killing man. I cant face wad i am gonna get it.

To the one and only:
I am terribly sorry to you, the thing that had respresent both of us tgt, i had spoilt it. :(
Thou its wasnt the whole thing, but yet when part of it had break off, its wasnt in whole anymore.
Its as gd as a beach without it sand on it. I am realli sorry, hopefully i can do sumthing to make up for that. Even though u might not feel any pain, but yet to mi i felt that there might be the 1 and onli stuff which had linked us up tgt. I am really sorry.

I hope that u would had seen this.

Yest nite, Due to boredness of studying my chem notes, i had decided to read all the stuff that i had from WDP, all those thing realli make mi think abt 6 Trust' 06, and 6 End HMT '06. I think 06 might be 1 of the best time of life, when life is onli going up and thing are really going in the way u hope, except for PSLE result. In whole i still prefer 06 over any years rite now, when thing start to screw up so badly over a lousy reason, and exam result seem to be everything and anything in life. Ms esther, the one who had make a big changes in my life, thou it might not be seen in short term, but the stuff she had teach us, the moral values, the opition towards ea and everyone life. I am rather sure all of us had grown up. 6 Trust, thou there might be small conflict between us, due to disargeement, but everyone had still enjoy the 2 yrs we had together as a class. A bonded class.

Read up on a part where she had said abt each and everyone of us, it realli carry alot of meaning and i believe that it will still make us rmb ea and everyone quite clearly after a few years. It had been like 3 years and i still can rmb abt the ppl in that class. The poem that xue chen had wrote had carry alot of meaning, all the 6 End HMT ppl shld go and read again.

Really hope to meet up with some of u guys real soon. Had onli saw the SC'06 and the few vballer outside onli.

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