Saturday, May 30, 2009


To think back, its been so long since we last had family meeting, or wadever u called that. Tonite was totally a screwed nite, and i had nt voice out wad i think. Personally, 1 of the reason i did not wan to voice out is due my result, and i partly noe its due to that den they wanted tonite talk. I am realli on my top when was toking abt wad i realli wan. What is my dream and goal, what i gonna do to make full use of the holiday. To be frank, i got no idea, i juz freaking wanted a relax and did not consist of so much work one, i am rather fine wif it, i dun realli care hw much free time i hav.

~Stop here if u wasnt a unitian unless u are interested in how bias a bitchy sch can get.

Now dragging the issue to Volleyball, for ppl who realli noe mi, i am rather fked up, when unity had close their vball boy, and thinking of the FKING BUDGET that they are having, and giving all the right to the Bballer. AND EVEN WANTED A DONATION FROM US FOR THE SCH FUNFAIR, AND EVEN TO A EXTEND, SPAMMING US TO SELL THE COUPON. After tonite, I STRONGLY THINK THAT MY ACTION WAS NOT EVEN WRONG AT THE FIRST PLACE BY NT SELLING ANYTHING, closing down vball for the sake of needy people? Sry yea, I AM NOT A HERO/GOD/ANGEL WADEVER, WHO WOULD JUZ KILL MYSELF TO SAVE THE OTHERS LA, I AM ASO A FKING HUMAN HERE. Y cant u ppl juz think abt it, losing vball to mi is so much, and unity had even rub salt into the wound. I nrv even make a freaking sound abt it, and come on la, we dun pay school fee for no freaking gd reason. And i am realli sick and tired of hearing all the moral values and so on, if i dun hav SO BE IT MAN, i dun realli giv a fking dam. Saeing it all for needy student? Make sum proof of it, in my eye, i onli saw stuff given to the bballer, and wad do the vballer get when we are still in unity. NTH? basically its juz all bias la, school wanted to giv the best for those who can bring bak fame to the school, but not those who are juz wasting their money. And if my memory nrv failed mi, 1 of the teachers had sae that unity had alot of cca, hence they had decided to close down some of it. Srsly, i gonna shoot tis like no one business. Just look at the other school in singapore, and u are telling mi unity had alot cca, juz for fking sake la, i think u shld go read up on more sec sch webpage be4 making a statement.Shall i juz name sum school who got MUCH more cca den unity. HCI, NY, SMSS, st nick, RI, NJC (sec), cat high, PHS, RV, nan hua, and this list will continue to go in. Since the thing go this way, shall i oppo to unity 1 of this day? Since my dream had be scattered by unity, wad i always aim for its all juz a dream now, i noe its nt gonna be happen.

This incident had realli put mi in situation of wad shld i do, and i believe its had drag to many of our team meeting and talk. It had realli cause many unpleasant stuff for mi, and i didnt even make any noisy, I TOOK IT ALL BY MYSELF, but yet at the same time, unity had been reminding mi of that stuff over and over again. Tears was seen upon this incident, and if i nrv failed to rmb the date when unity vball boy had close was on 16 Feb'09, a date where wad i wanted WAS ALL GONE. Kudo to unity. Tyvm.

Yes again, you guys ask mi standing in the shoes of you, I TRIED and i dun freaking see a reason y must u guys be so bias. Furthermore, u guys giv a reason of " coz no sec 1 was from vball pri sch team" and may i ask u, hw many player in the unity bball team, wasnt a player from pri sch in the main team currently. From my understanding, the soo's+ gad wasnt. Since bballer can be trained up, y cant a vballer? Was it bcoz of lack of fund that the school hav now? Srsly its a effing lame reason u guys love to giv. If u guys wasnt bias, WE MIGHT make it to west zone top 4 aso, who would noe the answer. No one, coz it all over. Are we given a second chance again, NO? and did unity bballer start winning suddenly over the nite, NO? Are we even giving a fair training timing as them, NO? Can u even see the FAIRNESS and unity had given to the vballer. I must hence salute to wad unity had done. Once again, tyvm for ur action, i gotta love it so much.

You guys had asking mi wad i wanted, and what i realli wanted rite now, its juz a better place for studying even all the lame shyt reason around when sumthing went screw, i want bak vball as my cca. But is this gonna happen? i can 101% ensure you that ITS NOT GONNA FKING HAPPEN, so could we juz end this topic. and stop being a two-sided person, trying to be so nice to me when u guys nid mi, and in return giving mi shyt attitude?

To unity:
I dun care if teacher or whoever had read my blog, i sae be4
the world is currently a freedom of speech, if u wasnt happy wif wad i typed, i cant be bother at the first place, and that how life work, WASNT IT UNITY? Ppl are selfish, no one wanna to lost up anything. In the third world country, even the children would snatch food away from their parent, WAD MAKE U THINK A 100% NORMAL HUMAN LIKE MI WONT WAN MY OWN RIGHT IN SCHOOL. Come on la, u guys juz love to hav fame, so wad unity make it to the "16 schools to offer DSA for athletes" SO? wasnt u guys juz trying to get a taste of fame out there. Yes, i am freaking whining rite now, i am nt like others who dun dare to voice out wad they think, and i freaking think i had show face to voice out so long after it, COZ THINKING BACK ITS WAS REALLI A FKING PAINFUL EXPERIENCE FOR MI. I had to come though the hardest period of my life (up to date), and wad did unity do. NOTHING. i am rather sure, without her, i would not be able to pick up so fast. and yea so to the one, i realli thank you alot, at least u tried to do sumthing unlike unity.

So yea, this post is specially written juz for unity, U GUYS WANTED THE FAME RITE? i shall giv u guys my helping hand, HOPE U WOULD LOVE IT SO MUCH. Like wad i sae in the last few post, i got nothing to lost now, so wanna get mi into trouble, so be it. Like wad my dad sae, i dun giv a dam wad u do outside, but once its get to police, i dun giv a dam abt u anymore. Who cares abt it, my result, vball is all screwed up big time, and i realli dun giv a fuck abt it now. To everyone, result is everything, but did they even think that result is juz to test ur standard of you, but not to make u fking suffer? DID THEY THINK ABT IT BE4, i dare sae NO.

To the soo's:
I am sorry for posting ur name, i am realli still on my top right now, and juz now, when i was all alone in the room, i had think it thou for at least 3hr. And tears was uncontrollable flowing out. Yes, i noe u guys might blame mi for that, but i realli cant be bothered abt it, it not the matter i care abt our fwenship or not, but i realli felt unfair abt it. Peter u shld understand this thing better then anyone, i had once told you the whole incident, so if u insist of i am at fault, i am fine wif it. If u guys got any issue, juz call mi anytime. Thank you and i am realli sry abt it.

Human are all selfish, i am no exception, so be4 u pushing the blame to mi, pls realli think it thou ur BIG FAT BRAIN FIRST, and dun giv mi all the lame excuses, i am realli sick and tired upon hearing those stuff. Just for the sake for those few who had been giving mi crap since unity vball close, and always toking to mi abt it. Stand in my shoes and think, and not juz giv sum crap of it, coz no doubt i will return to you after u done that to mi. And juz for ffs, pls stop being sum 2 sided ppl infront of mi, i realli felt dam fking disgusted by that. And yea, ur action could not be control by mi, so my typing could not be controlling by you, so when i realli blow up 1 dae, i might juz find u str8.

Realli apologise to those who wanst involved yet been drag down to the issue. Sry abt that.

Will there realli be miracle after the rainbow?

To the special one:

can i say? ... i don't want you to go? ... and i want to know?

can i say? ... is it too late? ... or our acquaintance is fate?

can i say? ... i think of you all the time? ... but we're not ready for the climb?

can i say? ... we have each other? ...isn't that all that matters?

can i say?... i wish you were here with me? or would u rather be with your other friends and family?

can i say? ... we will hold hands forever, never apart? can we swear we'll never give up?

can i say? ... when i look into your eyes i see them glow? or is it just because we had been staring at the beautiful rainbow?

can i say? ... i'm sorry for being stubborn? will you forgive me if i promise to learn?

can i say? ... tomorrow is our special day? would you just turn and walk away?

can i say? ... your eyes talk to me? would you think that i'm crazy?

i tried to tell you all these, but now you're gone. i should have said them earlier, you would have answered me. now i can only guess, the words you would say to me. i stare up and i thought i saw you. oh. its just your warm and assuring smile. (:

i miss you, i realli do

Mixed feeling

Just got bak my result yest nite, and juz for my own sake, i had failed my english, which had totally pull my overall result and ranking increase in number like shyt. Its dam imba. The first ever time my ranking number start wif a 1.

Feeling wasnt realli in the rite mood i shld be in, i was rather happy and sad at the same time. Sadness due to screw up result bcoz of english, happy bcoz HOLIDAE are finally here, and at the same time, i guessed correctly wad teacher and parent gonna tell mi after my ptc, its exactly like word to word.

My english result was like 44.1 for overall, how the hell am i gonna get 6 more mark of it la, i realli nid to pass my english, if not no matter hw hard i strive for other subject, its juz on the paper, and its would be useless. Can any1 teach mi wad can i do to improve ma. Failing english is as gd as failing all ur subj, and like walking into a deadend.

After PTC, its rather standard, parent and teacher would ask to reduce the usage on comp, and time spend on vball, and yes my reply would be like juz to answer them and dun realli meant it in a way or another.

Argg, this holidae totally sux la, flooded with homework + so many of the stuff i wanted had been cancel. SCREWED UP, i was looking forward to tis holidae so long ago. The onli thing left now is, lesson workshop lesson workshop. Hopefully, would be able to go out, and do sum of the stuff i realli wish to do.

~ Srsly, any1 can help mi to improve my english or not, thou no one had sae anything, i am realli feeling dam bad that i had failed it, Failing Amath was still rather fine coz its the first yr we took it, but yea ENGLISH, dammit =.= i realli nid help.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Last dae of sch

Ok, people, Tmr would mark the end of term 2 of our sec 3 life. The 1 and onli sec 3 term 2 we are having, joy and sorrow are both happening in our class, conflict are everywhere. No doubt abt it, due to personality crash of different ppl trying to come together. Woots, but who care abt all this rite now, 1 mth later, we all start off as a freshman again, everything might be solve. *finger cross*

Tmr is gonna be screw, can i freaking juz fell sick rite now, i realli dun wish to turn up for PTC la, i bet it would sux big time. To add on to the wound, we having sum retarded reflection abt our result during the school hour, and sum tard spring cleaning. It gonna be some freaking bored day. I am a lifeless creature. :(

Anws just for a few of my fwen out there, srsly juz dun bother abt wad other had sae abt you, or hw they look at you, juz be wad you are, and live for wad you are living for. No point getting urself so angry over those stuff, look forward and 4get abt the past.

I can forgive and forget, but i had forget that i had forgave you. :D Cheer~

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

End of camp.

Ok, We shall allow the time to tele bak to yest first ba, the second day of unity sec 3'09 camp.

*poof*, ok that juz for lame, and i am juz too bored ba

We had did our dragon boating at kallang river for the earlier part of the day, overall its was rather fun, plaeing around wif the water around there, trying our very best to get our boat to move. Argg, we screwed up in our planning but i think its still ok, every1 enjoy the fun there, and getting themselves wet due to the water fight. Water is flying all over the place, the coach is nt even spared from this. After all the "practice" we had, we had a mini race, my grp had turned up to be the fourth, we had so limited number of people, furthermore the guys number is sooooooo.... nt pathetic siol.

After that, we had our rocket launcher thingy la, which had realli make mi pissed off and let mi think of the chemecar incident. The first part was still rather fine when we are trying to build the launcher, nothing realli went wrong except different opition start to come in, but after that we all argeed on the same one and start working on it. We are in the same shelter as grp 5 who had build theirs in the simple way, yet it would work. My grp had build by foloing the 2pid clue that its given to us which dun seem to be any help at the first place, except its wasted our time and i think that is part of their plan. OK, the worst part come in now, its the time when every group are suppose to show hw far they can make the ball travel, and mi and alfred was toking abt the chemecar day thingy, and that retarded, brainless, fked up overall inchrg had came over to mi and ask, " y am i dismoralising my own teammate when i didnt even sae it, and putting word into my mouth, wts man." when i juz walk off, he asked mi wad attitude am i giving him. FFS, who was the one who was giving attitude la, totally spoilt the mood. If i would lost my temper that i might juz scream at him and sae. I srsly got nth to lost right now, vball? result? relationship? Project? school? NONE. Most to most, i get into sum sch trouble, expel? den oversea studies would seem to be the choice rite now. I must admit yest i was realli flare up after the incident, i was realli trying to find a punching bag juz whack it so hard to vent all my anger out. In the end, i juz went home and did sum other stuff shld i would rather enjoy and try to 4get abt those stuff.

I am realli sorry to those people(Nick, soo's, ben, nicol, clara, elvin) who i might have attitude you in a way or another or juz throw my temper at you. I was realli trying my best to cool down le, but i think nth can be done to make mi chill.

~Next day~

Ok, the last day of camp would be held in the school and seatosa. The first part of the day, we would be in school doing some of the team-building game, whereas second part would be in seatosa. Teambuilding game was rather nice and fun, it realli bond some of our teammate together. We might not hav win, but we had enjoy the game today. Fooling around, plaeing around.

The amazing race in seatosa was rather ok aso, juz that the time is realli short la, 2hr for a amazing race, we hardly can do anything. Thou in sum event, many ppl wif many diff thinking, if we shld walk or to take the tram. But yet, we all had come out to reach for a common point which every1 argeed. Today, its the first time i saw the whole team working together as 1.

After the amazing race, we cant stay in seatosa still to sum school policy or wdv crap it is la. So every1 had went bak to school to do their reflection for the 3 day camp and the game. My grp is the most quiet grp in the whole camp i guess, we had nrv done any cheers together as one, we nrv counter any "bomb" which had been throw to us. After finish the reflection, we had saw many other group taking picture together, but our group was juz that type of dao attitude la, every1 juz went on diff way. Elvin go for his disbrief, and some went to hav their dinner and so on. I think its the first time that I nrv had that kind of "dun bear to leave" thinking for the camp for last day, overall, we had onli avg spend 8 hr a day, so i dun realli think we are the so bonded up and having the open mindset to ea other yet, but other grp who realli glue up together fast might be diff.

Onli when the camp is realli over, and on our way home, we all had realli thought about wad we had did together for the past 3 day wif our darling coach and teammate, sumhw risk their life out to complete the task, other might be juz showing their sulking face, but together as a team, we try to complete as much as we can. Thinking back of all this, i felt that the camp is meaningful to me now, and I had realli enjoy the camp which is totally off my exceptation, a nt so adventurous adventurous camp. Realli wanna ty elvin for all this, i might not hav gotta noe them juz nice, but i got to know them now. Like wad you had sae, Good thing dun last forever, i guess its time for us to part and be4 that i wanna tell all this to you.

To elvin:
I got no idea how the heck you would read this, but I juz wanna apologise to you for my misbehaving for the past 3 day, and didnt realli wanna work so hard for the team, and had even show u sum attitude on the second day, I am realli sorry for all my action which might hav cause u upset, i noe that wad u sae in mouth wasnt wad u think in ur heart. You are juz too soft-hearted to us which led to incomplete stuff for the camp, but I must say that YOU ARE A GREAT COACH WHO MAKE US A BETTER PERSON, you had allow a group of people who didnt noe ea other inside out, to understand each other better and work together as a team to reach a goal. You dun even mind if u noe my name or not, but yet u still can get all of us moving at the same time. My salute to u elvin. You had juz inspire us to be a better ldr/person now. Ty alot. A quote from wad we always had been saeing, " WHO THE MAN, elvin the man" 3 cheers for you. I was realli thinking how would u ever read this man.

Nameless :D

I guess i realli nid sumone who is realli trustworthy to tok to wif all my prob rite now. Keeping everything to myself wasnt realli good, no solution can be found anws :( So please anyone.

Monday, May 25, 2009

First day of camp

For the first dae of camp, we had went over to SHINES to do our high element stuff, which i totally thought its was a waste of time, 8hr onli managed to do 3 activies. Chao fast one lor. We had most of the time staring into blank, or suntanning our skin, but its seem like i am nt getting anywhere black now. Hai, my skin is still soooo dam freaking white.

Ok, i shall apologise for my yest post first, i post it when i was realli on my top yest after so many thing happen in the morning, dun wanna mention it again now.

Anws 6 june, anyone free to come unity sch funfair? pls drop mi a sms if u can come :D For sc'06+lins+faith+albert, we might go out tgt after that if quite a number of us might turn up on that dae. Hehe looking forward for the day, but nt looking forward to sell the coupon la. dammit.

Ok, its like 102 days right now, and i am still freaking stuck on whether wad i shld do? I realli nid sum1 to boost my guts rite now. I REALLI NID THEM. Tis incident had realli make mi think rather hard and realli reflect on wad i had done recently. I realli hope, REALLI hope thing would hav a changes soon.

HA, looking forward for tmr dragon boating run. Haii, the sad thing is the morning hike to sch is cancel again, due to the piggy soo's who wanted the slp so badly la. The "majority" had once again decided stuff for us. sian ah

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Its 101 days and wad are you waiting for

Serious, I am rather dissapointed in myself, I have yet to do wad I had promise to do, I wasnt really buzy this few days, its either i am realli lazy rite tis moment or i am having a change in my attitude now. Realli thinking back make mi feel worst, I had nrv even done a single fking stuff yet, wad the crap. And now, its juz a simple task and i cant complete it? I realli wonder hw i manage my time well, i do every other thing on earth, BUT YET THE THING SHLD IS MORE IMPT, AND ITS HAD SLIP PAST MY MIND, wtf man ty alot. If something gonna happen bcoz of this, its realli gonna be hard for mi to forgive myself le. srsly its screw up quite badly rite now.

oww, the plan that we had came out with to stay overnite at other ppl house had failed man. PARENT, PARENT, the one who had always can hav last min changes but children like us, must obey. Wts is all tis, fair? Sumtime its realli dam fked up, when ppl having the " I-care-myself-more-then-you" atttitude, and they dun even care wad u had plan wad u had do for it. Just 1 freaking word "NO", we are gone le.. GONER IS FTL LA.

Srsly, I dun even think I got the mood to enjoy the camp after series of event had happen recently, its would somehw effect the mood of me, I cant freaking show attitude to anyone, can I? I would juz be wad I am normal, happy-go-lucky. Its juz freaking like u stock up wad u wanna sae, and when 1 dae u cant take the pressure, u might just blow your top, i believe i had use this example to show someone be4. Srsly its freaking screw now.

p.s when typing this blog post, i was doing some stuff for ppl, and I realli cant control wad i am typing and the mood I am having now, tears might juz flow out anytime and I am definally sry to any1 if i had offended you in a way or another.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

chemecar competition

Hmm, had wake up dam early tis morning to go KAP for my breakfast at mac. Went to ngee ann poly for our chemecar competition. YES, WE HAD MAKE MIRACLE

We had travel 15m for the first round, and we had make it to the next round. That was our aim be4 we went there, and the day when we testing out the distance we can travel. The second round distance given to us was 15m, we was rather happy at that time, since first round we can do it, y cant we do it for the second round. But i think we did hav abit of struggle at that point of time due to where if we shld increase the amount of baking soda.

Thought we didnt realli carry much hope, but we juz wanna to bring the best out of us, and hope that the effort will pay off sumhow, but yea its onli bring us that far. We had lost to NY in the second round by less den 1m. It was realli suay as our car had bang into sumthing which had make it stop. tsk.

COP is better den nth :x , we did try our best le, no more regrat for our grp now :). After the chemecar thingy, few of us went to KAP to hav our lunch and we had crap alot there. We do realli hav fun at that times. We had walked from KAP all the way bak to my house, we took like nearly 45min-1hr. haha, sry ppl.

Today would mark the 100 days for wad had happen between us, its serious rather screw, i am not even taking any action abt tis, i realli wonder at point of time, wad am i doing rite now, tis freaking moment la. I must be able to do wad i had promise to myself. I MUST AND I CAN.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Thing wasnt going in the rite way

After taking bak so many result, every1 had diff expression, be it smiling or frowning for the rest of the day over the result. I am no exception man. Failing some of my subject, having B/C for so many of my subject, its totally crap la. Its had been proven, study hard dun realli work well. Oh yea, to correct the subject i failed was ENGLISH and combine bio. (Fk it, english is like 1 of the most impt subject and i failed it, wts am i doing man...)

" Study shldnt be the onli thing resolve around student", tis sentence definably would make some sense of it. Hopefully the person who said this get famous when he grow up and make this quote to everyone brain. lol

Ok, back to the title, thing wasnt going just in anyway i wanted it to be. Being personal life or result to vball. Its had all been screwed up quite big time now i guess. Sometime, i realli wanna blame myself for being so gullible or rather retarded, to think that they had always been at my back to support mi when i fell, to be with mi when i am down. TIS IS TOTALLY WRONG MAN. I realli dunno when did i realli noticed tis, but its just came out from my own heart, and i hope i am nt wrong if nt i might be so dam dead le.

Anws, Ty you so much, u had still been the one who had always realli care for mi, despite we didnt tok for a veri long time but i knew u would be there when i nid u w/o mi opening my mouth,i would realli wanna sae ty to you so much, but when i always try to get abit more serious in our convo, u would start to find a way to avoid it. Haii, mayb time is the best to show everything ba.

Had been staying back in school recently for our chemecar project, hopefully we wont screw up on 23 may for the competition. Realli wanna ty nora, madhaven, alfred and joseph for staying back together and try out all the different amount we nid. We had all hav fun plaeing wif those stuff, getting dirty together, cleaning up the place together. I hope that u guys do enjoy the fun too :D

OH YEA, i suddenly rmb abt this, UNITY HAD CHANGE SEC 3 CAMP FROM MSIA TRIP TO SCHOOL CAMP+ NO MORE OVERNIGHT, wad the freaking point of this camp rite now? I bet we would hardly enjoy them now la, wad the screw man. Hmm like swine flu gonna kill like million of ppl tmr lor, realli retarded. I mean its like in school le den no more overnight, i dun count that as a camp, its juz any other schoolday, but we juz no nid to study but instead we go to plae. ok wts is that.

~edit 2~
Some picture we took last thurs. We had went seatosa for the sun,sand :X
hehe, guess whose footstep is these? ITS THE PEACOCK

Hoho, guess who the teacher in the picture.
Yes, u are rite. Mr robin Goh
look whose suffering.
opps, we saw 2 teacher on the same day. Nah i am juz joking, this just looking like her, but its wasnt.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I dont like this person because xxx

Had went down to YCK stadium to watch a'div boy final. HCJC vs NYJC, the normal 2 big powerhouse of JC.
The score was 27-29, 25-14, 25-20, 25-18. HCJC had won the a'div guy match, whereas NYJC had won VJC to get a'div gal champ.

Ok, todae sch was rather fine, had took bak sum of the result and as per normal reflection for CE lesson, I realli think i had put too much feeling in writing it, to shoot sumone off, was rather pissed off. Result seem to be quite ok in the class, but still far away from my own expectation. Srsly dammit :(, didnt i put in enuff effort for all the subject or wad?

Oh yea, sum1 had make a joke of todae. "You guys enjoy the sand, sea, sun and 4get to sign my form?" hehe, i think its rather obvious lor, no offend thou.

Anws life was realli screw up big time now, not just bcoz of result, u juz wont noe who will backstab you behind you, who seem to be supporting you all the time, but yet, they had realli done sumthing to make mi feel upset. REALLI upset, I dun realli noe wad to do now, and i must respect their decision for mi, its seem to be the best i guess? Coz i am still a kido, who dun hav a mindset by myself in their eye?

Btw side notes: clara is suffering from deadly STM :x, thing juz happen less den a wait can forget le, ok la no offend. :D anws its ok for 4getting that, u dun hav to keep saeing sorry to mi. C i am kind de ok :D

Ty to those encouragment that u guys had gave mi, and the special one who had realli offered his/her help to me, once again boroing mi his/her shoulder when i realli nid dem. Ty u so much

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tears is always there for a reason

It realli make mi think hard last night abt wad had happen in the past, I dun realli giv a dam abt who is rite and who is wrong, I juz wanted us to go bak to the past. Everytime, I tried to flash back those stuff, my tears would flood out normally. Srsly, I noe myself, I cant get over it, I had used all my chances up, its there still anymore that the person would gave it to me. I juz wanna us to go back to wad we are in the past, and not like now, we had become a "hi.bye.friend", its totally sarks man, i must sae.

I realli, realli hope I wont drop tears over this event, but my heart juz cant let it pass by mi like that, I am gonna grab at the chance if she had ever gave it to mi again, and not going to waste them. I noe i had nrv cherish them enuff, by now, after losing them, I had knew the impt of those stuff. So pls giv mi 1 more chance, just 1 and I would ensure I would cherish them. I aso understand, nowaday ppl dun care abt “天长地久,只要现在拥有 ”, I am rather sure I am no exception.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Here are ten facts
1. Your reading my comment
2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5. Your checking it now.
6. Your smiling.
7. Your still reading my comment.
8. You know all you have read is true.
10. You didn't notice that i skipped 9.
11. Your checking it now.
12. You didn't notice there are only 10 facts

hoho, so hw many retarded had done that? ok, that is juz for fun, dun felt offended or anything k?

Off to Peter house soon i guess, we shall enjoy the time together right now, and we must learn how to
cherish stuff. Human being are human overall . When they lose smth, then they will know its existing. so now, cherish everything you have, even if it is not very good, be happy that you have it. don't expect too much, or you will never be satisfied.

Had reach home for peter house at around 6 i guess, juz in time for other stuff. Had watch fireproof at their house which sae abt a couple who was abt to break up, yet able to savage a relationship in the end. (The movie is freaking alike to my real life happening, but yet i was unable to do anything to make any chances to it, hopefully i can when the time go by, there the onli thing i can sae now). After the movie, we went off for wii as per normal. Soo's, the big bully, love to bully us around :x ok take no offend

"If I had never told you, you are a gd person. You are."
"If I had never told you, I had 4give you. I had"
"If I had never told you, I love you, I do"

If only all the abv, would hav fking happen in my life, thing might lead to a change. Unlike now, I dun even noe wad I am doing right now, nor what she is doing right this moment. Just for sum freaking reason. DAMMIT

The time with Peter, David, Ben and Clara wont be short of any laughter, its realli fun to talk to them, and spending time together. but nothing good in the earth last forever, so i must learn to cherish them now.

I realli dun wish to juz heard a sorry from you and nothing is done, i am realli trying veri hard rite now, yet u are not doing anything, hw can we even mentain this relationship for good man, pls i realli hope thing would hav a change real soon. Pls.

If I could to do it, I would
but If i cant, will you do the same thing to me?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Outing with the gang :)

Woots, that would be the second outing that we would hav with the coolest "gang" huh? Am i rite to sae so, nick? :)

Had went to Seatosa with them and we are suppose to meet at Bukit batok at 8am, and guess wad, as normal the soo's are the one who make us wait for them sooooooooo long(no woner they are called the soo's ), yes and i mean it. Ppl bought mac from CCK, had to makan in Bukit batok mac, hoho. On the way to Seatosa, we had argued on the MRT wad movie we shld watch later, either "17 again" or "angel and demon", and obvious the majority which onli make up of the soo's had chosen "17 again". And yea that the way they define the word majority.

Ok we had went in, we had do wide range of stuff in Seatosa, from beach Vball to plaeing with sand. Its been like so long we had nrv plae wif the white and clear sand there le, woots fun.

Left seatosa around 3pm, as normal bathing took around 1hr+, so we had went to vivo to check out the timing for the movie first. Ending up, we found out the "17 again" cant be found in vivo, so we had decided "angel and demon". Woots, so must i sae the minority won for the veri first time? Its was around 1530 that time, and the movie was starting at 1730, so we had went to hav our lunch+dinner tgt, which is at carl JR. The food there was realli nice. Loving it :) Oh yea, des had teach mi hw to fold the heart after such a long while, ok i shall get my ass started and start to work now.

Had went to daiso with clara and des to find the box and the stuff that i can put in box, so i can giv it to her after i had completed everything. Ty gals for helping mi to choose them. Xiexie.We went off to movie at around 1715, and sat inside until like 1755 be4 the movie realli start.

"Angel and demon" the front part was totally bored which had make mi fall aslp for like near to 10min i guess? Hehe, peter had woke mi up in the process of my sweet dream. Opps. The show was rather nice with alot of suspension here and there, and the storyline was totally unexpected, full of climax after one another. I bet u guys nrv regrat watching it rite. Came out of GV, and Clara's face was totally pale, and she was sae to be scare of the sadist stuff or sumthing like that? Sorry yea, my memory failed mi.

Guess what? we had meet the one u had nrv expected to meet in vivo, *drum roll* MR GOH with his *ahem*. Ok, we are gd student, we wont tell any other ppl de.

Ok, i shall post those picture after des had sent it to mi, which will be a total spam i guess. Nick had totally spam all the picture when we ou

anws y must u do this to mi, or either that did u do that to everybody. I realli hope u dun do that for mi onli, coz its srsly quite heart-breaking to see that man. To add on, i was totally stun and surprise when i saw that, I realli realli hope that would be the first and last time u would do that. I am not gonna hav tears over that incident again. STOP IT RITE NOW. FFS

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Friends are 4ever :)

YAY, today had offical mark de end of MYE :). hoho felt so happy. Thou the class didnt went as high as last yr who did countdown for last 10 sec but yet after ms kom sae, " Enjoy ur holiday" everyone go wild. Just like those monkey in the zoo :D

Went to ben house after the paper, and we had waited in school for like near to 1 yr for our "Tsar" nick, opps i mean juz the nick we noe. hehe. Ben's house consists of everything u need, a Comp, Wii, Food, Bball court, wadever u think of would be there :)

Shall go post of some picture of us :)

ok, i shall respect peter by not posting the video we took, the time when everyone got like so high :x First joy.
Its after MYE rite now, and its time for us to relax not for "ineedtogohometostudynow". Second joy
Tmr we are going Seatosa with the same gang again, woots:) TRIPLE JOYYYYYY.

How freaking long ago we did enjoy all this stuff. Since exam had step into our life. :(

Side note for myself : I am gonna do wad i had promise to myself for the one, a promise is nt meant to be broken. Despite i always sae rules are there for u to break :x.

Monday, May 11, 2009

37 more hours to go

woots, had chng my countdown from days to hours, mayb to minute by tmr :) hehe finally, it realli coming to the end soon. Scream pls :D

The last 2 paper, which is history and Amath respectively, hopefully i can perform well, BETTER BE, dammit.

Had been studying quite alot for tis time round, if i ever gonna flunk, tears is realli unavoidable man. Serious, human are wif feeling, so tear is part of life, dun feel odd to cry man.

argg, 37 more hours to end of MYE, woot, time faster pass pls :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy mother day

Happy mother day to all the mother in the world, the most noble animal found currently i guess.

Ok, todae had went out with my mum for a dinner, thou the plan that mi and my bro came out wif didnt work as expected due to laziness and other factor. I am sorry :(

I juz heard this phrase from 1 of my fwen. " faithful is a lie, flirt is my life". Going thou the mind and process awhile, u might find tis sentense quite making sense, as no one is realli faithful to anyone, except mi :). Nah, i am juz joking.

Hehe, 2 more paper to go, and from current time 2317, its like 59 hours and 33min more to go. WOOTS, cant wait for that time man. Thurs would be a fun day i assume if the heaven is on a good mood, by not "crying" on that dae :).
So guys, get rdy for thurs k? JUZ CANT WAIT FOR IT TO COME.

Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx

Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesnt stop the pain

If I see you next to never
How can we say forever

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted, all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I cant get near you now

Oh, cant you see it baby
Youve got me going crazy

Repeat chorus

I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if Im with you
Ill take the chance

Oh, cant you see it baby
Youve got me going crazy

I juz wanna sing this song to the special one in my life. Hopefully u will like it.
P.s I realli hope to tell you who you are now. :(

Friday, May 8, 2009

Earliest of all :)

Today, shld be 1 of the earliest day i had reach home for this year i guess? Due to only 1 paper, and its onli like lasted for 1hr and 15mins. And obvious guai kia like mi (BHB lor..) would go for amath extra lesson, dun wanna flunk my amath. :)
Side note: 50% of our class ppl had failed emath P1, all the best for P2 man...

Yay, its onil like 5 days/120 hour more to end of tis freaking MYE man, but the worst had yet to come. RESULTS..., argg its realli quite killing man. I cant face wad i am gonna get it.

To the one and only:
I am terribly sorry to you, the thing that had respresent both of us tgt, i had spoilt it. :(
Thou its wasnt the whole thing, but yet when part of it had break off, its wasnt in whole anymore.
Its as gd as a beach without it sand on it. I am realli sorry, hopefully i can do sumthing to make up for that. Even though u might not feel any pain, but yet to mi i felt that there might be the 1 and onli stuff which had linked us up tgt. I am really sorry.

I hope that u would had seen this.

Yest nite, Due to boredness of studying my chem notes, i had decided to read all the stuff that i had from WDP, all those thing realli make mi think abt 6 Trust' 06, and 6 End HMT '06. I think 06 might be 1 of the best time of life, when life is onli going up and thing are really going in the way u hope, except for PSLE result. In whole i still prefer 06 over any years rite now, when thing start to screw up so badly over a lousy reason, and exam result seem to be everything and anything in life. Ms esther, the one who had make a big changes in my life, thou it might not be seen in short term, but the stuff she had teach us, the moral values, the opition towards ea and everyone life. I am rather sure all of us had grown up. 6 Trust, thou there might be small conflict between us, due to disargeement, but everyone had still enjoy the 2 yrs we had together as a class. A bonded class.

Read up on a part where she had said abt each and everyone of us, it realli carry alot of meaning and i believe that it will still make us rmb ea and everyone quite clearly after a few years. It had been like 3 years and i still can rmb abt the ppl in that class. The poem that xue chen had wrote had carry alot of meaning, all the 6 End HMT ppl shld go and read again.

Really hope to meet up with some of u guys real soon. Had onli saw the SC'06 and the few vballer outside onli.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Geog/ Emath p2

Today paper wasnt as bad i guess, it better stay it the way its is. Had spammed all the geog infomation that i had rmb the nite be4, and in the morning. Its was like dropping off the big huge stone off my back now, i am feeling rather relax now. :X Emath p2 wasnt that well, but on the gd side i had pass my Emath P1 le, not bad la :)

Tmr would be chem paper onli.

Ppl around onli noe hw to kpkb and dunno hw to think, exam period= anything aso cant do ah? wtf...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

7 days more...

I guess today would mark the half of our MYE, and yea todae had sat for onli Emath P1 and i tot it shld be rather relax as the paper onli lasted for 1hr and 30min. It the first time, i did my math paper and i am shortage of time.

How bad can thing get this MYE man...

In that 1hr 30min, had been fiteing every sec, and guess wad had happen? YES, u must be freaking right, i got the most ever stupid CARELESS mistake man. and Mr Tan had juz remind us like juz be4 the paper abt that kind of qus. To add on, yest he had said in library le, wth man. I am borned to be a 'smartie' la.

Today paper, would add on to giv mi more reason to flunk my MYE, totally siao liao. Until now, dun even hav a smooth-sailing exam la, OWNAGE.

yea, the onli gd thing todae was that i am released at 930am, woots 1 of the earliest this year, and manage to went out to toa payoh to makan my timsum lunch at fortunate restaurant. Its so yummy yum :)

2 more papers down today, meaning i still left like 5 papers more, yay. i am gonna countdown every freaking day/hours/min/sec right now for the last paper to come abt.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

screw ss/bio paper todae :(

Took ss/bio paper todae, i guess it would be sort of totally ownage but in a bad way for my result tis yr. Let start wif SS,

Had studied so much abt sri lanka and was PRAYING freaking hard that the essay qus come out, Instead sum retarded northern ireland and bonding Singapore qus come out, and i guess i was crapping half the time in my SS essay. Juz puting the rest of the hope on my SBQ which is like all on sri lanka, hopefully i wont flunk it man. I think exam its always like, the more u studies the more jialat ur result would get, argg dammit...

Bio was more fun ok? i had put Banana was rich in lipids, so that sportman consume them during their match as they are exercising. Even a three yr old kido would hav knew the answer was STARCH/carbohydrate nt fat or lipid, wad a great job I had done tis few dae man. Then all the qus was like, 1m here 1m there, making until so many qus, but heng the paper onli 1hr 15min, if not i might juz die in my class room. RIP :(.

Nvm happy thought, happy thought 2 more paper had down, meaning i hav like 2 emath paper, 1 amath paper, 1 geog paper, 1 chem paper, 1 hist paper. Total would be like.... 6 paper more, woots own like sum asshole out there now man.

After todae, It would hav given mi a 102 reasons to failed my MYE in overall le (random)

Tmr shall be a better day for mi. (HOPEFULLY). Would be having lunch wif my parent outside :) TIMSUM, so long nrv eat le :x futuremore i dun hav to pay a single cents for it. woots~ okok todae shall rest early as tmr will be the first emath paper.


Monday, May 4, 2009

English paper todae was totally crap, hopefully HOPEFULLY i wont failed. English its L1, u noe l1r5, L1 language, so diedie aso must do well de subject lai de :(

P1 was totally wtf man, the essay qus was out of expectation. Thou i didnt realli study much, but look thou so many essay nrv even saw the advanrage topic come out be4, GG chong wei all the best. P2 was rather crap as well, nrv even realli hav the heart to go read la, how to score well siol.. pls at least a pass la, i dun wanna c THIS in my report book

Guess what, i spell confirm as conform in my essay, 101% GG for english le, 101 reasons for mi to fail them now, jialat liao

aiya at least i tried my veri best to make it up, study hard for my bio and SS currently. Went to peter house in the afternoon and onli complete sri lanka and northern ireland onli, ty u peter ur revise totally rock man. Thou its long, but its realli help all 3 of us to remember it well.

All the best for those who are taking their MYE exam currently, dun flunk like mi :( jiayou, all the best

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Nothing much happen todae, juz freaking excited for 10 more days. :)

Tmr will be the time I would be lie down dead on the floor after the paper, English, which i might juz gt a F9 :( serious man, hw do u improve ur english ffs, i am juz like totally sux at it lor. sianzor

hehe anws sumthing to sae to you:
You might be suffering right tis moment, but always remember sweet will come after all the bitter and suffering you do, so yea jiayou for wadever u are doing now. U can do it :) all the ways. Surprise would be coming in your way, when my exam had totally come to the end, 10 more days, argg. Its seem so short, but its so far away.

Hopefully tmr paper wont be a killer paper for mi :(, i dun wanna c any failed tis time round pls


Vienna for lunch today :) Its been so long since we had dine out tgt as a family, futhermore its a buffet. 3 cheers for that man. Woah counting bak, i think its was like 98123712 years ago.

As normal, i guess for now, i am more active in the nite and hav to catch sum nap in the afternoon. OMG, look at the time now, its was like 207am leh, and i think its help to study anws, so its do no harm :)

Nothing for yest, and will edit when i think of wad to sae :) cheer~ and jiayou for MYE

Friday, May 1, 2009


Had been mugging since morning until afternoon, when stuff is really getting so bored and bored. So yea had went slacking and talk to Peter abt sum stuff on MSN, and yea Peter, i hope the stuff we had speak abt stay in the convo and hope that no one would noe abt them. :) Ty u peter anws.

Went jogging at around 6+ wif my dad, its been like hw many zillion years since we last done there together, and i gt ps by the soo's, when they said they wanted to plae ball. Hai, but its ok, i enjoying venting anger on the wall with all the spiking :x. Had more injury on my hand now after rubbing they on the 2pid rough floor, opps i cant write properly now, can i hav my VR for my exam, hehe :) After that when reach home, went out with family again to rail mall coffee bean. :) hoho, nowaday, there alot of gd and bad thing happen. But on the good side, exam ending up 12 days, YAY-NESS, freedom ah :)

Any1 keen to study together tmr? And i nid help for my english, i dun wanna flunk my english again :( pls any kind soul help mi, 好人会有好报的, so u guys shld noe wad to do now, needless to carry on now :)