Friday, January 15, 2010


I promise not to complain, but thing is definably not going in the way that i wanted. NOT EVEN NEAR! I mean like seriously, i had tried to control and it just suck like shit -.-.

1) My own privacy.
Why must people keep doing such stuff to know stuff, i mean like seriously, do u even know our relationship? Do u have to criticize me for no good reason, and are u too guilty to admit that you are the one im refering to? Just keep everything to yourself, make the world have peace!

2) Life sci competition
You had once scolded me on your blog YOURSELF for not doing anything due to my commitment, and u are complaining to each and everybody. And can you tell me what had you done so far? Like treating people like your dog (mark it, i hardly use dog) to do stuff? Come on la, you are the only one who can be buzy, the only one can have own free time la. Sorry lor, u win le. At most i will just FF from this competition and heck all the way.

3) First impression
Woots, Being a judgemental people just rock ttm. When people tried to change, no one had ever given him a chance. Come on la, even the prisoner get a second chance, why cant u guys just change your opinion la.

Ok, i felt i had ranted enough, the rest shall be at other place! :D


I just spent like the past 2 hours in living room alone with my dad, and we had a small talk when we was eating. I mean it was like a motivation talk for my to strive for a greater height and make thing in my life success. I would really said that they do really care in their heart, but not on the appearance. Remember back then, when i was injury, no matter how small the injury can be, my dad will never failed to send me to the clinic or anywhere, just to get myself treated. I still remember the day when i got 0/25 for my amath test. I expected a scolding from my parent, like i didnt put in effort to study or wad so ever. But they didnt, they asked for the reason why i failed, mainly was it due to commitment or i was just unable to cope with it. Thinking back, i remember i was just dam bad mood, and i just dao the whole world, and living in my lalaland for that day. :X

Yes, i am aware that all parent do care for their children, but to wad extend? This wasn't like earthquake when it can be measure by using the magnitude. So yea, it hard to compare around with this kind of stuff.

But i am sure that i had the best parent in this whole universe! I AM SURE! My parent had always put their priority as me and my bro. Whatever they had done, they would think about us, ask for our opinion and stuff. There is no such word call force in them. They had always gave us freedom in most of the stuff, like what we wanted for our cca, what we wanted to eat and all the stuff. To a extend, they only give me their opinion and suggestion when i was filling in the choosing of secondary school slip. Afterall, they will still respect our decision, and would never scold or wad. I guess my parent always had high mutual trust in us. They had always just let us do whatever we wanted, unlike the dead structure timetable. I really didn't appreciate them in the past, and at one point of my life, i think that they don't even care about me. I was wrong, they are just trying to let us grow up into a better person, let us handle our own problem and solved them. Im really glad that i had such parents! Im really happy about it!

There always a different in family and other stuff, such as bestie, friends, teammate, teacher or whatever! Family is the only one, which will follow you in your whole life, lighting up the path in front for you, borrow you a helping hand when you need them. Family is the only one who will never give up on you, no matter what you had done in the past, and they had a strong belief that you can do it. It just totally suck so badly, when others dont even believe you.

FAMILY! FATHER AND MOTHER I LOVE YOU! :D Hah, ok, i just got inspire to write that when i read something off the net. :X

Note to self: When people think that u cant do it, PROVE THEM WRONG, SHOW THEM YOU CAN DO IT! :D

nike! Just do it!

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