Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Never give up!

Ok, i shall just type out the reflection i had done today. Just pure lazy to go into detail cause i think it will just be bored like some shit. :D 1 main thing i remember, must remember to praise people around you when they had done something good, be it major or minor.

Everything in life happen for a reason(don't it just sound familiar?), hence we shouldnt complain so much about what is going on around us. Without this event or incident from happening in my life, i wouldnt be who i am and where i am now. I should take every event as a learning experience, and try to improve myself.

Life is never easy for anyone, it was just full of up and down in many different way or style. IT is all depend on how the person is gonna face and handle it, is the key thing how it would change the person!

Event(5%)+ response (95%) = outcome!

EQ+ IQ= success!!! :D

she is just nice!

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