Monday, January 11, 2010


Just got back my o'lv chinese result and it was a freaking B3. To think that i am rather confidence before i get back the result. Im completely stunned, shocked, angry with myself when i get back. Mayb it just a little bit more, for a A2. I just failed to get it. ROAR!! k forget about it, just hope im still able to take hcl ba. Pray for the best.

Remembering last monday, i was so dam excited for 630pm to come, and time just travel so slow. But now, it like super fast, and theres no time to feel sad anymore. The feeling is just totally dam different, and it suck so badly right now.

What done is done, nothing can change it back now. :(

K, like i said, i had drafted a post last monday, and i gonna post it out now with some stuff edited.

I had always waited this day(4/1) to come. I really waited it, and wanted it to come so badly, but it just dun seem to be coming any nearer. However, when the day had come, i totally was like quite stun at moment, cause i had only finish the present on the exact day 5pm, and it wasnt really well done. I hesitated for a moment if i should still pass you on the day. :X Ok, i did! But the present suck and ugly. After viewing it, just throw away pls.

Apart from there, the distance there just seem so short. I had been thinking what to tell you when we meet up, and what will happen and stuff. But to be exact, when we had meet, it just purely act accordingly. LOL, and thing wasnt as planned before hand on msn. Haha, but it was still nice and sweet of you coming RUNNING out of mac to meet me. :D Xiexie ni!

When i saw her today, the feeling in me is just super duper happy, it that kind of joy where no words will be able to describe it. It may be only a few seconds, and it mayb just be a simple words like hi, bye, thank you. Or just even a small action like a bow as a gesture to show thank. I appreciated it alot. I had nothing to regret to travel quite a distance just to pass the birthday gift on the exact day. At the exact moment, i really hoped that time would had stopped for us, but it didnt. D: But it was still nice to be able to meet her. :D Her smile is just like a sexyback! hah, and totally let me forget about everything and anything! Thank you so much.

To you: Thank alot for the meeting, and i am just surprise that u actually bow, i mean like U SHOULDNT DO IT. Hope you would like the present. :D All the best to you in your netball and studies. Last but not least really thank alot. ^.^ SUMOSUMO! (LOL, this just came so late. :X )

Ok, the rest of the update should be at a different place. Blogger just dont seem to have much privacy.

Edited: Thank alot to people who had comfort me in a way or another, i swear im not gonna feel this way, 1 yr later. Cause i know i would had put in effort to mug and tried my best. Not like today. Screw!!!!!!!

read something from that ass blog, but can i say that i would accept what you say, but can u just freaking have some ball and write the name on it? I dun even give a shit, i know myself and what im doing. Seriously, just get out of my life. -.-

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