Monday, January 25, 2010

Hectic life

I really cant think of any more better title den this right now. It wasn't really due to the spam of homework, i still think it was acceptable, but it just the little minor thing that is going wrong in life. Yea, u might just say setback is normal in life, but how often do you people face it?

Just today, had took back my amath test. And obviously i had flunked it like shit. D: I had really work hard, just wanna pass the goddam test, but i just seem unable to do it. On top of that, what had make me real pissed was the stereotyping of people. It like seriously, get a life la. -.- So what if the guy is always good, WILL HE BE ALWAYS GOOD? No! But when someone else is trying to work toward a certain goal, he was just being stereotype that he wont be able to success. The feeling just suck ttm, i can ensure you.

Ok, that just for entertainment. :D Something that had made my day better!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


This goals wasnt the soccer the goal, and all the fans went "yay" BUT it will be my life goal.

I MUST do well for my o'lv to get my ass into HCJC by hook or crook! THAT WILL BE MY GOAL FOR THIS YEAR!

Ok, I HAD DONE IT, so i just move on with life to work toward my goal!


edited: I didnt expect such a workshop to let me think about my life. I really didnt. Thought it had not really change me in a sense or another, but i knew what i wanted now, and some of the stuff which i had never treasure them enough in the past. :D SO, i shall go update other stuff, i mean i dun hav to show how much i love ea and single one of the ppl out there rite?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

motivation workshop

Today workshop had really touched my heart, i mean like people with emotions will understand what is going on around the world. It just purely like, aiming at your vital point and just hit it. I think no matter how hard-hearted the person is, they will just give in, no matter what! And some question should i still remember up to now!

Who are you? (If u can answer this, u are a successful person le. LOL)
Why do i deserve to be here?

Oh shit, stm just work on me again. -.- Aiya dao. Anyway, i was suppose to write a letter to my parent, but apparently whoever had notice well enough, i wrote during dec holiday le. Im just pure lazy to rewrite it again. :X Now 3 words can just cover the whole thing!

Overall, it may be the same thing over and over again, but somehow u will still feel the pain in ur heart, which i totally got no idea why. LOL, aiya heck la, just gonna do my own stuff, and see what happen tmr nite. Let hope it just dun fail me. :D

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Never give up!

Ok, i shall just type out the reflection i had done today. Just pure lazy to go into detail cause i think it will just be bored like some shit. :D 1 main thing i remember, must remember to praise people around you when they had done something good, be it major or minor.

Everything in life happen for a reason(don't it just sound familiar?), hence we shouldnt complain so much about what is going on around us. Without this event or incident from happening in my life, i wouldnt be who i am and where i am now. I should take every event as a learning experience, and try to improve myself.

Life is never easy for anyone, it was just full of up and down in many different way or style. IT is all depend on how the person is gonna face and handle it, is the key thing how it would change the person!

Event(5%)+ response (95%) = outcome!

EQ+ IQ= success!!! :D

she is just nice!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Just for joke!


I, Goh Yu Xuan, of Hwa Chong Institution College Section, do hereby admit to the unintentional daoing of Shawn Teo in a MSN Conversation on Tuesday, 19th of January

Sorry, no offend to anyone :D

Friday, January 15, 2010


I promise not to complain, but thing is definably not going in the way that i wanted. NOT EVEN NEAR! I mean like seriously, i had tried to control and it just suck like shit -.-.

1) My own privacy.
Why must people keep doing such stuff to know stuff, i mean like seriously, do u even know our relationship? Do u have to criticize me for no good reason, and are u too guilty to admit that you are the one im refering to? Just keep everything to yourself, make the world have peace!

2) Life sci competition
You had once scolded me on your blog YOURSELF for not doing anything due to my commitment, and u are complaining to each and everybody. And can you tell me what had you done so far? Like treating people like your dog (mark it, i hardly use dog) to do stuff? Come on la, you are the only one who can be buzy, the only one can have own free time la. Sorry lor, u win le. At most i will just FF from this competition and heck all the way.

3) First impression
Woots, Being a judgemental people just rock ttm. When people tried to change, no one had ever given him a chance. Come on la, even the prisoner get a second chance, why cant u guys just change your opinion la.

Ok, i felt i had ranted enough, the rest shall be at other place! :D


I just spent like the past 2 hours in living room alone with my dad, and we had a small talk when we was eating. I mean it was like a motivation talk for my to strive for a greater height and make thing in my life success. I would really said that they do really care in their heart, but not on the appearance. Remember back then, when i was injury, no matter how small the injury can be, my dad will never failed to send me to the clinic or anywhere, just to get myself treated. I still remember the day when i got 0/25 for my amath test. I expected a scolding from my parent, like i didnt put in effort to study or wad so ever. But they didnt, they asked for the reason why i failed, mainly was it due to commitment or i was just unable to cope with it. Thinking back, i remember i was just dam bad mood, and i just dao the whole world, and living in my lalaland for that day. :X

Yes, i am aware that all parent do care for their children, but to wad extend? This wasn't like earthquake when it can be measure by using the magnitude. So yea, it hard to compare around with this kind of stuff.

But i am sure that i had the best parent in this whole universe! I AM SURE! My parent had always put their priority as me and my bro. Whatever they had done, they would think about us, ask for our opinion and stuff. There is no such word call force in them. They had always gave us freedom in most of the stuff, like what we wanted for our cca, what we wanted to eat and all the stuff. To a extend, they only give me their opinion and suggestion when i was filling in the choosing of secondary school slip. Afterall, they will still respect our decision, and would never scold or wad. I guess my parent always had high mutual trust in us. They had always just let us do whatever we wanted, unlike the dead structure timetable. I really didn't appreciate them in the past, and at one point of my life, i think that they don't even care about me. I was wrong, they are just trying to let us grow up into a better person, let us handle our own problem and solved them. Im really glad that i had such parents! Im really happy about it!

There always a different in family and other stuff, such as bestie, friends, teammate, teacher or whatever! Family is the only one, which will follow you in your whole life, lighting up the path in front for you, borrow you a helping hand when you need them. Family is the only one who will never give up on you, no matter what you had done in the past, and they had a strong belief that you can do it. It just totally suck so badly, when others dont even believe you.

FAMILY! FATHER AND MOTHER I LOVE YOU! :D Hah, ok, i just got inspire to write that when i read something off the net. :X

Note to self: When people think that u cant do it, PROVE THEM WRONG, SHOW THEM YOU CAN DO IT! :D

nike! Just do it!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Woots, i got 13/20 for today emath test. Not bad for a start. :D a B3!! Still having hopes on my MSG 1.xx. I dunno la, but i shouldnt really feel happy, but im happy bcoz i know i had put in effort for this test! Yes, the feeling just rock ttm! :D

Ok, regrading to the HCL thingy, i think im gonna continue. Dao the B3 and move on with life (Let hope i have same result as kenn the whore!). I mean, i didnt really put in much for that, so yea cant blame anyone. So MOVE ON WITH LIFE AH!.

I gonna dao most of the stuff and START MUGGING NOW! :D wahh

Monday, January 11, 2010


Just got back my o'lv chinese result and it was a freaking B3. To think that i am rather confidence before i get back the result. Im completely stunned, shocked, angry with myself when i get back. Mayb it just a little bit more, for a A2. I just failed to get it. ROAR!! k forget about it, just hope im still able to take hcl ba. Pray for the best.

Remembering last monday, i was so dam excited for 630pm to come, and time just travel so slow. But now, it like super fast, and theres no time to feel sad anymore. The feeling is just totally dam different, and it suck so badly right now.

What done is done, nothing can change it back now. :(

K, like i said, i had drafted a post last monday, and i gonna post it out now with some stuff edited.

I had always waited this day(4/1) to come. I really waited it, and wanted it to come so badly, but it just dun seem to be coming any nearer. However, when the day had come, i totally was like quite stun at moment, cause i had only finish the present on the exact day 5pm, and it wasnt really well done. I hesitated for a moment if i should still pass you on the day. :X Ok, i did! But the present suck and ugly. After viewing it, just throw away pls.

Apart from there, the distance there just seem so short. I had been thinking what to tell you when we meet up, and what will happen and stuff. But to be exact, when we had meet, it just purely act accordingly. LOL, and thing wasnt as planned before hand on msn. Haha, but it was still nice and sweet of you coming RUNNING out of mac to meet me. :D Xiexie ni!

When i saw her today, the feeling in me is just super duper happy, it that kind of joy where no words will be able to describe it. It may be only a few seconds, and it mayb just be a simple words like hi, bye, thank you. Or just even a small action like a bow as a gesture to show thank. I appreciated it alot. I had nothing to regret to travel quite a distance just to pass the birthday gift on the exact day. At the exact moment, i really hoped that time would had stopped for us, but it didnt. D: But it was still nice to be able to meet her. :D Her smile is just like a sexyback! hah, and totally let me forget about everything and anything! Thank you so much.

To you: Thank alot for the meeting, and i am just surprise that u actually bow, i mean like U SHOULDNT DO IT. Hope you would like the present. :D All the best to you in your netball and studies. Last but not least really thank alot. ^.^ SUMOSUMO! (LOL, this just came so late. :X )

Ok, the rest of the update should be at a different place. Blogger just dont seem to have much privacy.

Edited: Thank alot to people who had comfort me in a way or another, i swear im not gonna feel this way, 1 yr later. Cause i know i would had put in effort to mug and tried my best. Not like today. Screw!!!!!!!

read something from that ass blog, but can i say that i would accept what you say, but can u just freaking have some ball and write the name on it? I dun even give a shit, i know myself and what im doing. Seriously, just get out of my life. -.-

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sprained hand

Oh well, my left hand was sprained on friday, and it as totally dam pissed when it totally restrict what you can do. Just like typing this post take me so long to do so. -.- That just totally suck ttm. On top of that, I still had my ankle and knee injury. How wonderful was that. I mean like a normal human but disabled in many way. Failed life.

This week had been rather fruitful, finished up all my homework except hcl. The feeling is seriously dam good, like every morning you can just go school and stone, instead of copying homework (should i call it sharing of answer?). Yea, so gonna kinda slack during weekend. Everyone deserve a break, don't they? :D

Ok, i had seen some of the stuff around me happening for this week, dont really wanna comment on it, before it just change into a whining place! So yea let carry on with life. :D MOVE ON!

Friday, January 8, 2010


It like WOAH! Finally it the end of this week, and this week is rather nice and fun. I got no idea why fun come in, but yea! LOL. Let have a update of my timetable.

Getting back o'lv chinese result on monday, and it like a live or death thing for me. Staying in HCL, or going back to normal express chinese class.

I just knew that my CCA is hard to get A, so it like super hard to minus 2 point now. Shit the school -.-

Gonna have test coming up next week. Kinda need to mug, and dao all the other stuff. :x EXCEPT the important one!

Have CCA openhouse today, and it just totally seem like nothing to me. I dun even give a damn to it right now. T&F just wasn't my forte or what, im just there for the sake of being there. :D

No junior from wdp had came to unity and die! Wee, good news :D

OKAY! like i had saved a note to myself, i gonna post some draft out by weekend!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It time to move on.. :D

Ok, i found out some bigbig thingy! So life should carry on and move on. YAY!

I will try not to on9 as much as before now. :D WEE, gonna be a nerd now.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I WANT TO GROW, I WANT TO GROWGROWGROW. Haha, just measure height and weight today.
179cm, and 56 kg. ZOMG, I just grew fatter and i only grow 1 cm. screw it! I wan hit 18x one! ROAR, the thingy got problem la. ASS!

Ok, i shall learn to update in LJ for more personal stuff now. :D wee!

An average school day is just a failed. Next wk onward got AEP, and wed got 7-9pm hist/ss lesson. WINNER! This would just greatly decrease my own free time, how bored was that.


OH YA, someone did notice my MIA in holiday! LOL. I tot no one will noe about it. Ok la, but somehow was really buzy that period of time, and some bitchy teacher keep saeing i got poor time management. screw it -.-

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Argg, it still totally look like holiday for me la. :x Im still as slack as before. Let hope i really can kick the habit away soon. If not this year would be a ggfied year for us. Really needed to do well!

Ok, meet up with YGSP group, discuss, talk and know what to do le. K done!
Next week got quite alot of test coming along the way. -.- according to the whore (KENN!), i really need to perform well, if not i am dead. LOL.

Yay, just have a nap just now, was really great. It had been so long since i lasted have it. :x holiday it was just meng go out or play only. LOL.

OK, Hopefully this year is gonna be a happy year for me. Alot of stuff is going on this year. A rather impt (or not) one i guess. LOL.

And yeap, i juz wrote a super duper long reflection for myself, and a resolution list for the year! I gonna try my best to do it, I MUST DO IT! :D

Monday, January 4, 2010

First day of sch!

First day of sec 4 is just filled with laughter and admin stuff in the class room. Nothing much! Only had our first math lesson. Quite a nice relaxing day, but yet still in a holiday mood. :\

- I managed to finish faith b'dae present on time! But wasn't really well done. :X
- I had cleared most of my holiday leftover homework in school alone today!
- I had my stuff planned and cleared today! yay!

I AM IN NEED OF A PLANNER! Be a neater person for the win.

Anws, HAPPY B'DAE TO FAITH AGAIN! HAH. Ok, let not be bias, i shall name those who i remember b'dae is today! Jiun loong, chong yee. HOLY, i only remember 3/8. :X AIYA WHO CARE! HAPPY B'DAE PEOPLE!

I shall really get to a study mood asap! And settle the handball stuff. Pls tell me wad time ur school end! XIEXIE.