Saturday, August 8, 2009

NDP parade.

The first time, i was hoping that friday would end much earlier then that. :x sorry, i had pissed you of in sch or wad. And like i sae, u onli seen 1 side of him, and i had seen 2 side. U can choose to believe wad he sae, but i dun realli giv a dam. i just simply cant take joke from BLACKIE (ONLI ONE, I AM NT A RACIST). Seriously, if u think wad he sae was all a joke, i would just go up to him and punch him in his face and tell him "IT'S JUST A JOKE LA, TAKE IT SO SERIOUSLY FOR WAD". Not only me who got pissed off by him, but yet alot of people. U would hav seen it urself, I had nothing much to say i guess.

After NDP parade, outing with ben, nicol, nick, ryan, mich, siying, soo's, gad. We had rushed down to CWP, wanted to watch GI joe, at 1235, but ending up when we reach there, only left first 2 rows, and we decided not to watch and wait until 2pm. LOL, zai kia. So we had went to makan, and just walk around CWP, or rather stoning down there. Suddenly ryan got a great suggestion. " Y nt we stand at 1 place and look at people, and observe them" k u shld get wad i mean.

GI joe, was rather fine, but the plot was super brainless, it just like whoever got better technology and money win the battle. I think that would be the result of WW3 or wad la. LOL, but it was still interesting and fun to watch. After all watching movie is just to relax and stuff.

Anws, Pls stop dragging the past issue into our convo, i dun wanna bring out all the past and say again, it gonna make everyone upset only.

OH YEA, past few day, my tummy is like dam funny, i just feel dam hungry after i have taken my meal, and i had my gastric dam hell early in the morning, which make me dun feel like moving at all. :X ON TOP OF THAT, i am having ulcer in my mouth. RAWR, IT SUX.


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