Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Enjoyable day.

Ok let start off with yesterday event.

We had celebrated nicol birthday in school, but apparently he still seem quite sad. I really got no idea what had happen. But the cake we had make, it turn out to be quite nice. Just taste like a cheese cake, because of the whipped cream and it had been put in the freezer. Hehe, hopefully you had enjoy the cake. Will post the picture when whoever send me. Haha.

Ok, the rest shall not be posted, because of some reason. If u really wanna know what i wrote for yesterday post then tell me, I RESERVE THE RIGHT NOT TO TELL ANYONE. :D

Alright, today we had done our cip, and obviously it so enjoyable k? Statue is FTW. IF ANYONE WOULD SAY ANYTHING AFTER THAT, I AM SURE I GONNA LOVE HIM/HER LIKE SIAO. I AM SURE. YAY, I HAD ENJOY IT. THANK AH PEOPLE. I LOVE YOU. Wad a bonded class we had.

HEY, I did what i think is right for me ok? I CHOOSE MY LIFE, NOT YOU LA. GODDAM IT. So what if i stone? wasn't stoning is teh fun? HUH? TELL MI IF U NEVER STONE DOWN THEN SAY. LOVE YOU PLEASE. GET A LIFE.

Anyway, my phone was down with sms just now. :X But it turn out to be fine now. SORRY FOR THOSE WHO I DAO JUST NOW. SORRY~

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