Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wdp sc'06 bbq♥

Let start of the day with the meet up at jurong east station. :D
Me Zuan and sarah was the first to meet up at there. Kangraye joined us shortly at IMM later. :D WE SHOP, WE BOUGHT, WE EAT all the good. MUHAHA, obesity.

OK, max waited for us at jurong east station as his movement wasn't easy. So we meet up with him and before the bus ride to my house. We saw this blind man, as HCI had educate their student well enough, max had decided to step forward to help the blind man. And max talked to him awhile, before i go over as well. The blind man wanted to take the MRT, so we followed him. And i asked the MRT station to help the blind man out. But to our horror, THE BLIND MAN WAS A SCAMMER, when he heard that MRT staff is coming. He seem to try to run away. LOL. What a good experience!!!

Hmm, at my bbq pit, nothing much happen, except max had go back on his words being the COOK of the night. :D WAHAH, everyone played a part in yesterday cooking except WANXIN! HE STILL WENT FOR MOVIE WITHOUT US. the rest of us help to start fire (nyeh nyeh wanxin, we managed to start it within 15mins), bbq the food and EAT THE FOOD. Woots.

When everyone reach, sarah and I went up to my house to take the cake and we gave serene a SURPRISE! She was so touched until she cry. :D SEE, THE BONDING BETWEEN US. :]

Overall, yesterday was a fun day out with sc'06. Hope to meet up with them real soon. WE STILL GOT HELL LOT OF THING HAVET TALK FINISH. I really wonder when the next time we will meet up. :(

Friends are like balloons.
Once you let them go, you can't get them back.
So I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I never lose you.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
Love the people who treat you right.
Forget about the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy.
They just promised it would be worth it.

Theres this stuff, which really make mi crack my brain currently :(

true love never dies it only gets stronger with time


  1. lol, that was like dam freaking long ago. :X
    sum are funny, others are pure retard :D

  2. dumbdumb, my friend there larh! dont feel good pangseh them, plus they dont tell me how to get to bukit timah.HAHAS, sowwie larhs!
    hmmm, but in the end never pangseh you all also ^^ happyyy DAOOO

  3. LOL :D
    at least in the end, everyone had an enjoyable day!! WOOTS.
    let hav this again soon.
