Saturday, December 5, 2009

Horrible day

Ok, i had shown my last freaking draft to someone by email le. Hopefully it had been read AND I can received about how you felt about it ok? Please send me a reply message!

I dont really wanna explain why was it a horrible day, but yea, now i just dont want anymore people to get involve into this. It seriously getting dam piss and screwed up. :(

Ok, anws happy belated birthday benjamin and albert! :D hope you guys had a wonderful time. :D

To you: Oh yea, im seriously very sorry if i had freak you out yesterday, but i really had meant what i say. You had never even tell me how you feel or whatever, but you had just act like a normal day. This had even make me feel worst, but yea i guess im fine now, after quite awhile. Hopefully you are feeling better right now, just now u are like totally pissed off and dam angry over some stuff. Relax, and take this as a blessing in disguise k? :D CHEER UP.~

I think it time to type out something for somebody, but i doubt i will do it in blog ba. :D CHEER PEOPLE

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