Thursday, December 31, 2009


Yay, today would be the last day of 2009 and i think 2009 wasn't a really good or bad year for me, except for some stuff which really turn my life 360 degree around. But yea, life still had to carry on no matter what happen ba. :D mayb i gonna write all the bigbig event happen to me in 2009. If i still remember them. LOL.

1) Faith cheong!
Haha, surprise to see her name here huh? she was the one who had really change my life this year, and we are TWIN! She was the one who really pull me up when i needed someone to do. She was the one who i can randomly hi-5 with over meaningful(less) stuff. She was the first girl who gave my a v.card (am i allow to post the picture here? ). :D YAY, thank you so much. She was the one who always spammed rubbish around on msn. She was the first girl who went study date with me. Guaikia. :D YAY for the pms girl, BUT SHE ROCKS. :) HAH.

edited: OH YES, I REMEMBER THE TIKO BIMBO thing. HEH, WHEN CAN UPLOAD PHOTO, I GONNA DO IT AGAIN! Coz it was dam freaking cool. LOL! AND u are the first freaking girl WHO i gonna do such a handmake gift for u. U SHOULD BE HAPPY AND HAVE THE HONOURED TO RECEIVE A F9 ARTPIECE. LOL! Let hope u will like it k? :D REMEMBER OUR PRESENT RULE? LOOK, READ, THROW! :D MUSCLE MUSCLE! HAH. And the mrs ang-yoong (k, sry max!) thingy hor! The zhangs sister who are both ass and came out with that. LOL, but it was real fun crapping with you! It really help to entertain me. :X wahah, i think i still got alotalot more to type. :X SO LET DO IT OTHER PLACE. :D if u urself wanna read den tell me! WAHAH

2) Unity sec
Yeap, u didn't see wrong, it unity sec. Ok, it had totally change my life upside down, when they close down volleyball. I mean yea, back den, i didnt really notice how much i like vball, but now i truly understand it. Vball is like slowly part of my life, but now it had been taken away, i believe u would be piss and angry as well right? It like your loved one gone suddenly. :(

Ok den, move on. Conduct rating for the year. This had totally screw me up ok? The school broke their promise, aiya big la big la, adult ma, i can do anything about it sia. Aiya, but forget it, LET MOVE ON.

3) sc'06!
I think this would be self-explain if u had read my blog in the past. :D so yea! CAN I SKIP THIS?

BUT DUN WORRY, I STILL LOVE YOU GUYS! But sorry for tonite, wouldnt be able to meet up with you guys for countdown. SORRY!

Actually, i felt dam lazy now. i would update the rest later! :D

4) Unity vball team!
I had really a great time with this time. They are the one who make me drop tears, laugh, get pissed off with and all sort of stuff. But the time that we had spent together was really wonderful, if time could go back, i might still choose unity as my team despite of all my complain. :D They are Tong hua, Javin, Yi jie, elvin, yong han, long jie, jun yu (grats on getting top for n'lv), norman and so on! Really thank alot people. I really grew up alot with you all. From all the serious-ness to the joke that we play on each other. :D thank you guys so much. UNITY, OUSH!

zomg, and i notice we dun even have a team photo together before except the one which we took for school. -.-!

5) Mr tan!
YES, YOUR EYE DIDN'T PLAY TRICK ON YOU. IT THE MATH TEACHER! Hah, i dunno why but i really felt his words had motivated me dam freaking lot, but still i am still not doing anything. He was the only one teacher who sit down and talk to us about our problem and try to help us solve it. It just like more of a friend after lesson den teacher, as he was a teacher who i really trust and i can confide too! He had always helped me alot before sec 3s EOY, but yea, my result is still sucky! GONNA work hard next year and achieve better result!

6) Sec sch best friend!
Wee, you guys are the one who had give my mental support whenever i need them. AND thank ben for the free morning ride, and all the going home time together. :D waiting for each other after lesson and doing rubbish before we go home. And yeap, remember the vball inter-class? i think that event had pull us even closer together! Sorry at the same time, i think i did something real stupid that time too. But i doubt anyone remember it! YAY!

Thank for all the outing and stuff. It really help to make us closer together! I will never forget u guys NICE COOKIES! It was really really dam nice to see such nice handmake present! It was nice, wonderful and tasty! PLS MAKE MORE!

I got so much more so much more to update, but picture seem unable to upload which piss me off! I SHALL UPDATE THE REST WHEN I AM FREE LE LA! Now, i shall go back to the FIRST 3, AND ADD MORE! zomg, time is running up for me to do stuff. -.- SCREW SCHOOL FOR STARTING SO EARLY!!!


7) 09s60!
YES, WITH THOSE JERK AND WHORE, they had changed me quite alot somehow, which i don't what happen. But seriously, they are really a group of people who is dam open with each other, and the class is totally bonded like siao. AND THE MOST QIAO THING IS, THEIR CLASS GOT SOMEONE WHO HAD EXACTLY THE SAME NAME AS ME. HOW COOL WAS THAT! But whenever i go, he wont be around :( didnt get to see him at all. Oww, dam sad! OK, SO NO MORE HONEYMOON YEAR LE! Everyone gonna get back into serious mood and mug! Haha.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Good thing always end fast. :(

Few more days, and we are all back to our daily BORED routine. Waking up at 5+, go school, come home mug, makan, sleep. Dam lifeless. Unlike holiday where u slack around and stone, and maybe do some meaningful stuff, and probably learn stuff we might not learn in school, or even some moral or values. :D

Ok, just get to know that ms kom is our new form-teacher, and that like mixed feeling, ggified. HAH. Apparantly, i had lost my bio tys, and that a wonderful news! Gonna get my reflection ready first. Dao wadever she gonna say. WOOTS.

Yes, this holiday I had done quite alot of stuff I wanted to do, and yet i had failed some of them. Example like the handball stuff, I really wanted it so badly, SERIOUSLY BADLY. Wanxin and gang should get what I mean. Let have a teamtalk real soon, and decide what we gonna do next about it. :D Organise friendly to crash the shit cheapo school ah! hah

Oh yea, someone finally did notice about something I like to do when i am posting on blog. :D HAH.

Okie donkie, i had to finish up the rest of my homework liao except for bio! If not i will be a deadmeat soon. AND SOMEONE WOULDNT GET HER PREZZIE ON HER B'DAE! HAH

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Wahah, Im gonna be home alone soon in like not long later. LOL irony sentence, but who cares. Nothing much had really happened this holiday, except some stuff make me felt that I am just a lucky bastard. (not gonna mention which incident, but IT THAT ONE!)

So upon that, i came out with this myself. :X not sure was it from anyone anywhere or wad, but it just came to me like magic!

Trouble or problem is nothing to me now.
They will pass no matter if i cry or laugh.
Hence, i must live everyday to my fullest!

So the attitude of my life now, is gonna be happy.go.lucky! Let hope nothing piss mi off now. :D

But before that happen, i really hope some ass just get off me and stop irritated me, i got my own limit, and i am freaking sure i know what i am doing more then you do. You don't even have any blood relationship with me, get out of my life. :(

Oh yes, this holiday was 1 of my most busy holiday ever, it was a dam fruitful one. :D IT EARN ME LIKE 59hrs (or was it 58hrs) of CIP. I definably learn alot there. Organising a camp wasn't easy, i mean, i should'nt had complain so much about the sec 3 camp. Hah. :D Despite of the camp wasn't really smooth-going, but many of us still enjoy the learning experience. :D

Games day: It was the first year we work with the ITE people, and some of them are real friendly and keen to learn. I really got no idea what landed them into ITE. Was it just because of their learning attitude in the past, or they just chosen this road themselves. 1 of them had told me alot of thing about her life, and it really make us think hard about ourselves. :X thought i dunno you really well, but yea thank alot!

Outing: i think i really miss alot of outing with my sec sch friend, hope we do had some catchup when school reopen. I had never really cherish the time with them i guess. :X SO SORRY!

This holiday, spending tons of my time with junior make mi realise that no one had ever praise their own school in a good way, except for elite school. IT THE FREAKING BEST, WAD MORE CAN U EXPECT. Ok, so it time that i should just stop whining about school, and really work hard now. But some of the pain in the heart, will be stuck in there forever, nothing is gonna take it out of me. :'(

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wdp vball ♥

Despite of me unable to finish my whole primary school cca as vball. Teacher still asked me back for the alumni match, i must said that i had truly enjoy myself playing with those people. :D It so heartwarming to see so many alumni came back and play together. It really do trigger back some wonderful memory. And it really happy to see that all the junior had really improve freaking lot, and they might just overtake us anytime now. :D All the way for your vball career. :D

But the sad thing is that, liyang had injury my ankle as he had make mi unable to land properly. ASSHOLE!!! Fly to my court. :( Wahah.

Ok, Yesterday (12/12) was unable to go out to celebrate with nick due to financial crisis and other stuff. Hope u had enjoy your day. :D


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wdp sc'06 bbq♥

Let start of the day with the meet up at jurong east station. :D
Me Zuan and sarah was the first to meet up at there. Kangraye joined us shortly at IMM later. :D WE SHOP, WE BOUGHT, WE EAT all the good. MUHAHA, obesity.

OK, max waited for us at jurong east station as his movement wasn't easy. So we meet up with him and before the bus ride to my house. We saw this blind man, as HCI had educate their student well enough, max had decided to step forward to help the blind man. And max talked to him awhile, before i go over as well. The blind man wanted to take the MRT, so we followed him. And i asked the MRT station to help the blind man out. But to our horror, THE BLIND MAN WAS A SCAMMER, when he heard that MRT staff is coming. He seem to try to run away. LOL. What a good experience!!!

Hmm, at my bbq pit, nothing much happen, except max had go back on his words being the COOK of the night. :D WAHAH, everyone played a part in yesterday cooking except WANXIN! HE STILL WENT FOR MOVIE WITHOUT US. the rest of us help to start fire (nyeh nyeh wanxin, we managed to start it within 15mins), bbq the food and EAT THE FOOD. Woots.

When everyone reach, sarah and I went up to my house to take the cake and we gave serene a SURPRISE! She was so touched until she cry. :D SEE, THE BONDING BETWEEN US. :]

Overall, yesterday was a fun day out with sc'06. Hope to meet up with them real soon. WE STILL GOT HELL LOT OF THING HAVET TALK FINISH. I really wonder when the next time we will meet up. :(

Friends are like balloons.
Once you let them go, you can't get them back.
So I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I never lose you.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
Love the people who treat you right.
Forget about the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy.
They just promised it would be worth it.

Theres this stuff, which really make mi crack my brain currently :(

true love never dies it only gets stronger with time

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Horrible day

Ok, i had shown my last freaking draft to someone by email le. Hopefully it had been read AND I can received about how you felt about it ok? Please send me a reply message!

I dont really wanna explain why was it a horrible day, but yea, now i just dont want anymore people to get involve into this. It seriously getting dam piss and screwed up. :(

Ok, anws happy belated birthday benjamin and albert! :D hope you guys had a wonderful time. :D

To you: Oh yea, im seriously very sorry if i had freak you out yesterday, but i really had meant what i say. You had never even tell me how you feel or whatever, but you had just act like a normal day. This had even make me feel worst, but yea i guess im fine now, after quite awhile. Hopefully you are feeling better right now, just now u are like totally pissed off and dam angry over some stuff. Relax, and take this as a blessing in disguise k? :D CHEER UP.~

I think it time to type out something for somebody, but i doubt i will do it in blog ba. :D CHEER PEOPLE

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Like what other had asked why i didnt posted for this few day, the reason is easy. Mainly because i draft up all my post :D CAUSE i don't really post out all the little offensive post. :D WEE, so dont ask me le. WEE

I miss the outing today with sc'06 cause i had bleed too much last night for my extract teeth, and it was like bleeding for at least 14hours. -.- screw it. I am super worry that tmr we will still unable to meet to do PT. :( EVERYONE PLEASE COME IF YOU CAN.

Argg, Due to the old auntie (one sky), i might not turn up for some stuff in the night. So pls, i tried to compromise to your timing le. PLEASE COME IF WE ARE MEETING. We really had put high hope into this and i really hope this thing will not fail. LOL, if not i will do zuan signature move for 1 whole year. WAHAH.

Faith: LOL, as promise, i will do for you as well ok? FAITH THE GREAT, THOUGHT U PMS BUT U STILL ROCK!! Must remember our promise hor. :D i will try my best to brainstorm for your gift. AND I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER U STEAL AWAY MY CUPCAKE, and thank for hearing to my whine yesterday night. :D WAHHA, HUGS.

Linshan: YOU ASS, despite me saying so much for you, U STILL DONT WANT GIVE MI CUPCAKE, u evil. Except the part u tried to show me when i totally cant bite. THANK Ah. And yes, THANK FOR INTRODUCE PLOCK TO MY LIFE. WAHAHA, IT A TIME-KILLER AND NOT.SO.BORED GAME. SIDENOTE: I STILL WIN YOU. WAHAH

Ok, i did post le. SO DUN COMPLAIN :x WAHHA.