Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wdp sc ♥

It will most probably be the best council in the world :) I seriously hope that everyone who had turned up for the camp was not upset or whatever over any issue. COME ON, WE ARE ALL PART OF WDP SC, SO WAD IF WE BELONG TO DIFFERENT YEAR, BUT WE ARE STILL TOGETHER AS ONE IN THE SC RIGHT? :D

Oh yea, we are finally back from the sc camp. THE ONE AND ONLY CAMP I AM SUPER PROUD OF DESPITE HOSTING SO MANY OF THEM. You will just get a different feeling after the camp had come to the end. YAY, WE ARE COMMITTED TO WDP SC AFTER ALL.

The enthu in the alumni SC had hardly die off, we had did like countless of cheers, until our voice is GONE. Thank wanxin for being the leader for all the cheers. " ya cheer", three cheers, g-o-o-d j-o-b. :D I AM PROUD TO BE IN PART OF THE SC.

Ok, let talk about the camp now.
I was assigned to group 4 where the group i/c was edina and ahmad. They are good council without doubt. They had totally make the whole group 4 bonded together, and that was what the camp is all about. Good job people.

Group 4 had consist of people from pri 4-6, and they hardly know each other, but probably because of the ice-breaking game, they get closer. Thought we play the name connector wrongly, BUT MY WHOLE GROUP MANAGED TO KNOW EVERYONE NAME. :D

Newspaper game, they are abit shy of helping each other up into the newspaper when it only left like 1/4 of it, which had cause everyone in the team to do FORFEIT. They had chosen chicken dance and all of them are willing to take part which make the game meaningful. :D BONDING.

Bob the builder, The idea of the game is freaking good, but the 08 didnt managed to get all the material down, so we had a FREE-FOR-ALL fight for the water to fill up their bottle. YES, group 4 for second. WOOTS. They should be first, but someone had accidentally press the bottle down and allow the water to overflow. D: BUT IT OK, U GUYS HAD DONE UR BEST.

Activities: Tag ball, wet chair, blind crawl
I got no idea about how tag ball and wet chair go, but it seem like the junior enjoy both of that more. But i think we had put in enough effort for the blind crawl right? :D WE GET EVERYTHING READY, but we didnt expect the unexpected. ): DIEEEEEEEE. A little screw up here, but yea, some groups still enjoy themselves. Sorry to some of the p6s, we had to stop the game for u guys, because your groupmate didnt wanted to follow what they are suppose to do. Sorry.

Amusing race.
I dun wish to comment about this, but yea, SORRY STATION I/C. :(

Group 1-3 get to bath, while group 4-6 had to prepare an item for the finale. :D
SIDENOTE: For 3 sc camp, edina was in same group with me. LOL, our idea never changed but we still win. :D

Yes, THE TIME WE ALL ARE WAITING FOR. We had teach our junior "everyone eat together attitude". It was freaking cool, when everyone take their first bite together. ALBERT U SPOILT THIS.

Oh, and yea it was time to swap the thingy now. Group 4-6 get to bath while 1-3 will do the items. Group 2 was freaking cute. LOL. Sorry zuan.

Wdp sc'06 came out with this super funny slamming of table rhythm. But it turn out quite well when we asked the other sc to join us, AND THEY ARE ABLE TO CATCH UP WITH US. ZOMG KANNA OWN.

We had played some game and sc'06 win, thank to wanxin zuan and kang. LOL. PINK CLOUD PINK CLOUD. :D Oh yea, i cant remember much, except being sabotage by all the teacher -.- Thank alot ah.

SUPPER TIME, didnt really eat coz i cant even bite a thingy they provided, so WE WENT TO DRINK PEPSI. madness. :) After that, we settle all the pri sch kid into their room and we had went to stone at the parade square to talk and bond with our alumni junior.

Slept 30min in between because it just get so dammmm boreddd. WE GT FREAKING INTENSIVE PT. And my muscle is still dam pain until now. BUT IT WAS FREAKING FUN.
Me and albert had total run at least 36 runs around it. That is dam freaking cool.

Next day, it was just breakfast, and the " ya cheer" thingy, which was mostly led by the senior and we are the only few who shouted our lungs out. :D After that we got a mini-capt ball competition. LOL, but ending up it was all the senior bullying. Im sorry. :D

Oh yea, get well soon clarissa (sp?) WAHAH, and i was the freaking nice senior who offered you all that but u rejected it. :X ok, anws U HAD DONE A GREAT JOB, DESPITE IN PAIN U ARE STILL THE ONLY GROUP I/C WHICH HAD HELPED UR TEAM IN THE FINAL CHEER BEFORE WE BREAK CAMP. MY SALUTE TO YOU.

Motivated by serene, i gonna write something for the fellow sc who i had remember as well. Maybe in the blog? not sure yet, BUT 100% NOT NOW, I NID LEAVE MY HOUSE FOR THE NEXT BATTLE.


Edited @ 10.28pm
I shall start with the 06

Wanxin: Hi wanxin, Im not sure if u will read this or not, but yea, i will just type it out here k? :D U are just a talented leader, u can lead all of us easily, i mean like in the ya cheer or even the three cheer, u had never ever mind before. Yes, u had did a great job. In the finale performance, it was super cool. The idea that you had came out with was never been seen before anywhere. It was seriously dam good. My kudo to u.

For now, we should just carry on with life, and never cry over spilt milk. We are gonna take this as a learning experience and make the next camp a better one ok? Dun be upset if we had screwed up the camp, WE HAD ALL TRIED OUR BEST. That the one that matter the most.

Max: MAXYSEXY, thought u are always there with us for all the meeting and stuff, BUT YET WE ARE STILL SUPER CLIQUE-Y to ea other in sc'06. I dunno what bond bring us together BUT YEA we are just like super cool people. :D THANK FOR COMING FOR THE SC CAMP AND KEEP AS ACCOMPANY.

Serene: Did we leave u out alone? :( I hope we didnt. U are the only gal sc'06. BUT WE ARE TREAT U LIKE A GUY RITE. WAHAH. Im sorry. Im sorry for the 2012 movie stuff, we was unable to watch with you coz many people had knockout straight after the camp. We gonna watch other movie together soon ok? LET HAV A SC OUTING.

Your letter had really make felt dam touched. I mean it was like dam nice and heartening. REALLY LOVE YOU ALOT OK? :D I MEAN IT. RMB THE RELATIONSHIP TALK @ pastamanic

Zuan: Zuan, I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU, U STEAL MINE "GIRLFRIEND". LOL. I guess u would understand what i mean right. :D YOUR GROUP IS SUPER CUTE, from hopeless --> extremely hopeless --> SUCCESS. No one had expect that to happen including us. :X HOW DO ALL THIS HAPPEN? IT WAS ALL BECAUSE OF U ARE THE LEADER. And sorry for disturbing with your GF. :X And IF WE HAD A OUTING U MUST BRING HER ALONG OK? PROMISE.

kang raye: Was really happy to see u around at the camp. Thought u might have match on the day, but u still make an effort to come down. Really thank alot. The game u had planned was good. :x I REALLI GOT NOTHING TO SAY. :X OH YES, next time if u really tired pls go and rest and might not have to stay with US. Because our heart is always together :D BOO. TAKE CARE AT OBS, AND RMB OUR SHIRT. :D

SC'06: We had been together for quite awhile, leaving each other is always hard, it always taking an hour or so. Yea, let hope that we will stay liddat forever ok? TAKE CARE PEOPLE. I LOVE YOU GUYS 4EVER. :D. WEE, I MEAN WHAT I SAY OK?

Oh wait, i wanted to said something to all the teacher as well

I had sent a sms out in the afternoon just now, hopefully u guys had seen it by now. We are sorry for all the mess that we had came out with or wadever rubbish that we had done, like deep in the night or something. We will try our very best to make the next sc camp a better one. We are gonna find out what are all the good and bad point, in order for us to improve. We will take this as a experience for us to grow up. Sorry and really thank alot.

Ok for the sc 07/08, i will only randomly choose all those i still rmb ah.

The one that had left me the deepest memories was edina, just for some freaking random reason right, we are in the same group for 3 yrs.

Edina: Yay, i had known u since u are pri 4? If my brain never failed me that badly la, then 3 years same group in sc camp, u had definably grown up alot. From a young cute little gal to a secondary school SC now. The group we had been in before was ms lim housefly (2006) --> reunited (2008) --> BOOMZ (2009). You had shown a good leadership skill now. You are able to guide the team to victory, and u even let the whole group glue together. GOOD JOB EDINA. :D

clarissa: No doubt u are 1 of the best group I/C that i had ever seen up to now, even thought i had done so many camp. I AM SERIOUS ABOUT THIS. You done thing that might not seem to be important to some people but yet it would had done a great impact on our fellow sc junior. Let just take the last cheer we had do, despite in such a great pain, YOU ARE STILL THE ONE AND ONLY ALUMNI SC WHO STILL GO HELP OUT WITH YOUR TEAM. Despite being a sec 1, and maybe 0 knowledge about being a group I/C, you might/was given one of the worst group but yet you bear with it and carry out the activities u are told to do so. SALUTE TO YOU. Pls take good care of yourself anyway

Albert: WOOTS, THE GUY WHO WAS CRAZY WITH ME DURING THE MIDNIGHT LIKE SOME MAD PEOPLE. We run and RUN and still RUN, like quite alot of round. :X Hes mad. :D I don't really know anything about the sc camp, but yea, can see that u are one of the committed sc who is around. Jiayous for next year planning k?

I THINK THIS IS THE LONGEST POST I EVER HAVE. But i had not update on games day and today dinner time one. I shall update it when i am free and NOT SO TIRED. Had not been sleeping much since last sun. :D



  1. HELLO! Hah. Thank you:) I'm feeling MUCH better :D You had also done a great job! The blind obstacle crossing is loved by them xD


  2. WAHAH NO PROB. U ARE SUCH A WONDERFUL SC. Carry on the attitude and i bet u can do 100000x better then us. JIAYOUS!!! PRESS ON.

  3. HEY CHONGCHONG! hahaha.
    i read your post, as you said.
    i felt touched too! :D
    it's like the very first time i do see you typing something so cheesy, nah, just kidding!
    i know you were just expressing your thoughts.
    and, no worries bout 2012.
    i can always get people myself.
    dont worry! (:
