Saturday, November 14, 2009


Thurs 12/11
Had watched the movie with s60, and it was a vivo. LOL, i felt so dumb for travelling down, but yea it was nice to hang out with them ba. All the epic joke as normal. LOL.

it was really intense. two and a half hrs of heart-in-mouth action (ws was open-mouthed haha:D). watching the world crumble. watching ppl crumble. land masses with SHM.
I have read about apocalypse before (and just learnt how to pronounce it) but never did it seem so real till now. The portrayal was epic and it gave a whole new meaning and insight to how the world would end.
it really left an impression on me. it’s show like this tt makes one ponder. reflect on 人生短暂. and want to live life differently. like to rethink one’s priorities. find the true meaning to life.
LIFE. one word that means so much.
in the light of apocalypse (i doubt if this is the right usage but it’s a cool word:P), everything else seems to dim in importance. seems so trivial.
at the end of the day, what is race and nationality when everyone is united under the brotherhood of mankind. what is politics when a young scientist is worth more than twenty old politicians. what is possessions when it’ll be pulverized to nothing. what is wealth when economic systems break down.
money doesnt matter anymore when it’s the end of the world (unless of course you wanna get a green ticket lol). what is new clothes (lol the wait before the show:P). what is ‘A’ levels. what is technology when everything breaks down with the reversal of poles and reduction in magnetic field (voice-recognition technology might be an exception:P). what is data stored on the net and in soft copy when the whole web disappears.
everything is reduced to naught.

but hope still shines amidst the darkness. faith. love. relationships suddenly seem more precious. “it is when we stop fighting for each other that we lose our humanity"

Quoted from :D

Friday 13/11
ZOMG, IT WAS THE GOD DAM BLACK FRIDAY. But it didnt happen to me. :D YAYNESS. Except the part where i was late for games day, oh well, dammit. BUT MAX, WE STILL GET THE SAME NUMBER OF HOURS OF CIP :D. YAY

Games day was more of a stoning day for us, due to wet weather. Hehe, we must all pity this year p6, it was like their last year playing games day as a woodlanders but the referee is dam screw up yesterday. The team that make it to final, it was all by sheer luck. Oh, but no one really complain alot, really respect them. EGO-LESS.

" we are paid cip hours to stone, WHILE THE REFEREE WAS PAID MONEY TO SLEEP" Next yeas please hire us, not as free labour. :D WEE.

Saw a few of s60 at sakue in cwp. KENN SCAMMED MY FEELING AGAIN FOR NOT BRINGING FIONNA. Idiot. Haha, thank mao for boroing money. :D XIEXIE.

Sc'06 had dinner at mos burger and we had talk until like 9+, and as normal we send ppl home. :) Ending up, i reach home around 1115, and max should be later. AND THANK TO KANG AND MAX, we sat under zuan block, just to hear the word "RAT". LOL. And everyone get so despo over it. LOL. Wee but it was fun la. See we are the cool people :D

Gonna meet wdp sc'06 again later to buy stuff for the sc camp. :D WEE, committed SC :x

" Either u make it there and u take it away with you, but if u failed to make it there, i will just lost it all" :D LOL

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