Saturday, October 24, 2009

Oh-9-Sex-oH :D

Well, i am back from a class chalet (09s60). A class with full of joker, bonder, dancer, singer, GAMBLER AND THEY JUST SLEEP ANYWHERE THEY LIKE. If they didn't say they are from HCJC, they would seriously look like some ITE people. WELL, with jerk and whore in a class, wad more can u expect the chalet to be. A FREAKING ASS FUN ONE, i am 101% sure that i didnt regret going and I personally felt it was a far better planned outing as compare to my own class one. (SORRY~) Wee, maybe I should name the people who had make the 2 days a unmemorable and unforgettable. LET START OFF WITH ALL THE IDIOTS.

KENN, THE WHORE: The moment he reach aloha, he was being bonded by the few siaokia, who told him that only bonded people can take food. AND he is mad over the 5k SGD, and he had repeat it for dunno how many time, ON TOP OF THAT, KEEP SAYING ABOUT CHRIS AND LIQIN. He had also been randomly shouting sex for no good reason. LOL, dun think sick.

JOSH, THE JERK/PLAYBOY: WAHAHA, k la, i am sorry. He just a random nice and friendly guy. Who just totally dao the rules that the chalet have and just spam blasting music since the moment he step into the chalet. He had also talk to me hell lot when we are traveling around and HE IS SUPER NICE CAN? COOK NOODLES FOR US IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, and clearing up the mess that we had make. And we came out with this funny drink that mixed orange juice+ coke+ green tea. but it turn out to be quite nice. YAY, GOOD JOB JOSH, HUGS. Hope your broken hand recover soon :D

JOANNE: U SCAM THE LITTLE BOY MONEY, AND CHEATED CHRIS MONEY, WHAT IS THIS AH SOH. Haha, at least u feel guilty for doing that, but while it ok. LIKE IVAN/WEISHENG SAID " xiao du yi qing, da du yang jia" :D i believe we are only playing small bet. Hehe, thank Joanne for bbq-ing for us the food and helping us clear everything, and THANK FOR THE MORNING CALL.

Eva aka laoda: I believe you had done the most for this chalet, including organise them, planning of activies for everyone to enjoy. You had done so much thing, from mobbing the whole floor, arranging the bed to bbqing food, cook maggi for all the lazy people. I think all this must had tired you out which make u sleeping on the track in park. X.x Thank alot :D

Tess, THE NO LIFE MUGGER : Was this the first time i meet you? I really had forgotten and yea you gave me the first impression of a mama's girl, but after talking to you awhile and getting to know you better, i had change my impression on you. You are seriously a nice girl, who KOPE everyone bubble teas. (well, i meant it for the nice part) :x I am super evil, who kope your cups and drink everytime. Sorry and thank you. :D Seeing you getting bully by WS/ ivan, really make everyone laugh, your reaction is totally epic, and they are like. LOL :X k i am sorry, i shall not continue. And SHE WAS BEHAVNG LIKE AN IVAN WHILE SHE WAS AWAKE WHEN WE WERE PLAYING MAHJONG AND CARDS.

Ivan/WS: The one who had build up the atmosphere in the chalet, by joking, singing around, and doing some random stuff like bullying tess. :X They just try to do something to make people laugh, like telling some PRC about tong xin lian= happy, and they just happily tell others they are gays. TY IVAN/WS. LOL. Ok la, still got a lot of stuff they do, but i just forget them le -.- STM just suck.

Well, i think lastly, i must thank to 09s06 for inviting me to go and replace their CHONGWEI (FRANCIS). Haha, and i am sure that each and everyone of us had enjoy the time together and had fun. IT DEFINABLY WORTH THE TIME. AND I AM THE REAL CHONGWEI BCOZ I AM A HUMAN, TY IVAN FOR THAT. LOL :D


Edited @ 11.56am
After the chalet, we went to pasir ris park and had some biking and ball game, while the others will just sleep in the middle of nowhere or lying on the lamp. While playing soccer, it really injury me like siao. Sorry chris and alvin :X Hopefully i am still able to play for interclass, AND IT WONT GET WORST. Thank yam for the plaster. :D HEHE, HAD A GREAT REST PEOPLE. And my FB just lagged like sum tard and i cant save the picture. D: ROAR


Sorry laoda~

Poor tess. :O

Oh great, all the thinker.






wee, more info for the chalet VISIT :D THE LOSER WHO ALWAYS CHEAT AND FAILED

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