Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day out wif wdp sc'06

BOO to the lesson that we had in the morning, and making the school to end at 1pm. I guess we are one of the few school which have lesson yesterday, and it totally suck, it just simply like you are in the holiday mood, yet you still had to attend. wts. On the bright side, yesterday lesson was still slack and fun somehow. At least it was better then the toast session or the game. BOO IT.

School ended at 1pm, and I had rush to cwp to meet up with my fellow sc darlings, I thought i will be the last to reach, but kang ending up to be the last. haha. When i reach cwp, i saw sarah and serene outside breadtalk, and max, wanxin, zuan is at mos burger. Thank for helping me to order first :D haha.

We chat, we talk, we compare out height when the giant had reach mos, we tried to decide where to eat our dinner when we are eating our lunch, we squeeze everyone to the table etc etc :D the bond we had is just so unique and strong.

Upon eating finish, we went back to our alma mater. The feeling was never the same when you are still a student there, and had the mindset " hai, lesson today again". The security is getting more tight in the school, and slowly it had become like more of friend gathering then meeting some of the teacher. It now just seem to be like just an excuse somehow.

Mr ng had asked the alumni sc if they wanted the shirt, and he said he gonna mail me by yesterday, and until now, he havet even mail me. :X how can i return the reply by today as well, it like some people are just plainly dao, and they would take 3 days to reply your sms HOR. K, never mind, when i get the mail, i will just forward to all of you.

Dinner out with sc'06 and ms lim is always the same, we had to take quite awhile before we decide what to eat. But it ok, it just a few minute, and the joy and fun we get is like, nothing in this world can buy. Thank ms lim for the treat, thou is teacher's day, yet you are still the one who pay for us. TYVM.

I had finally done what i wanted to do for a long time, it took me quite awhile to notice what myself is doing, but i am just feeling happy i had finally settle it. I dont really care about the result now, but is the process that we should enjoy, hence i am content with it. :D


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