Friday, September 18, 2009


I am gonna make this a short one as i am really tired and bored now. :x

Friendship- how does it break? Had this question ever hit your mind before?

Both friends will think the other is busy and will not contact each other thinking it might disturbing to the other party. As time passes, both friends will think ' let the other oen contact me first..'

After some time, each will think ' why should i contact first?'

From here onwards your friendship will be converted to hate.

Finally, the memory become weak due to the lack of contact and we had forget each other.

I dont want to end our friendship in such a way, which is why i am telling you this right now. Friendship are like gold, without polishing, it becomes dull. Whereas if you take care of it will shine like the brightest star.

Wasnt that somehow just being true. Roar 11 more days to eye, and i am still like some slacking ass. -.-

There still 1 more about thing about friendship one, BUT THE GODDAM PANDA IS NOT SENDING THEM TO ME :(

Wee, hoping the best for tmr pvsp, hope we can get into at least top 4 ba, jiayous people :D

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