Monday, June 22, 2009


I had finally fall a sick after many days/wks of overnite rushing project, and doing sum personal ppt. And it realli come so sudden and caught mi by surprise, i am vomiting out wad i take in, almost immediately. And tempeture rise up to 38.7 just now.

Arggg life sucks. After so many mass convo of where we going tmr, ending up, i still cant make it. Sorry to those ppl who i had promised that i will turn up tmr, i am realli ill now.

If the illness cont., i might nid to for bloodtest le, fml la. Planning so many thing in last wk, and now this happen, wts is tis. It freaking unfair la. =.=

Anws i am sorry to all WDP sc'06-08, i had asked for 25th outing, it cancel, due to our yr alot ppl had fall sick. To add on, I am realli sorry to faith, who had helping to help mi contact more people to the outing and yet it had been cancel now. Dui bu qi.

Lins/ sarah, get well soon ok. :D So we can meet up real soon

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