Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Running + Food = ??

Had went for sum physical training wif peter in the morning at bakit batok park, its had been realli reali long since i last went there, and no doubt it realli tired running up the slope and the 121 stairs ( We did went to count. Lol, i am juz jking, we read the infomation there, hehe) We had do for abt 1hr 30mins, and the feeling was realli tiring and u felt that u might juz vomit out anytime. In that 1hr and 30min, i think wad we done is much more den a 5km run, woots. Win-win, first win bcoz it help us to train our physical, and the second win is obvious to lost sum fat. :D

We aso took some picture when we are resting, picture of monkiies.

Ok, that was just for the morning, and for the nite, had went out for supper AGAIN, argg my fats is growing chao fast nowaday. I bet the nxt time we met, u guys might nt be able to noe who i am le. :(
Went down to geylang to makan the soyabean curd, which was realli nice and smooth, it was realli so long since we last went there as a family le. Nxt stop, we went to makan sum durian, and w/o the second thought, the seller there are freaking rude. But yea, the durian was realli nice and enjoyable stuff to eat. Hai, onli if i can do tis during sch day, and juz fall asick and can 4get all abt my homework, and continue to rot at home.

oh yea, I had sumthing to share, this is wad i read from my email:

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh
until you can't stop;
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.
Always try to help a friend in need
Believe in yourself
Be brave...but it's ok to be afraid sometimes
Study hard
Give lots of kisses
Laugh often
Don't be overly concerned with your weight,
it's just a number
Always try to see the glass half full
Meet new people,
even if they look different to you
Remain calm, even when it seems hopeless
Take lots of naps..
Be weird whenever you have the chance
Love your friends, no matter who they are
Don't waste food
Take an occasional risk
Try to have a little fun each day.'s important
Work together as a team
Share a joke with friends
Fall in love with someone..
...and say 'I love you' often
Express yourself creatively
Be conscious of your appearance
Always be up for surprises
Love someone with all of your heart
Share with friends
Watch your step
It will get better
There is always someone who loves you
more than you know
Exercise to keep fit
Live up to your name
Seize the Moment
Hold on to good friends;
they are few and far between
Indulge in the things you truly love
Cherish every Sunday
At the end of the day... PRAY
....... and close your eyes
And smile at least once a day!

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