Sunday, April 26, 2009

Study, study and still study...

yay, its been so long i had started to motivated myself to study for such a long period of time, and futuremore, without using of comp. :) its much be some rare-ness of myself now. (c faith, its had been proven i am guai kia :), ok its juz for joke, i noe u are more guai :x ). Had wake up rather early to start doing my work, and had fallen asleep halfway when i was trying to finish them. opps. But at least i am rather completed with all of them right now. Proud of myself :D.

Juz went jogging with my brother to west mall, and we had went to NTUC to get wad we needed for the week. Coffee milk, soyamilk, chocolates and tibit. YAY :) finally aft a long while had went to shop and bought so many stuff, most important thing is, WE DID NOT NID TO PAY FOR DEM, spon by mum.

Lastly, exam is just like 4 more days away, and i MUST stay focus with my work right now, in order to get gd result. There was this saeing "
1% of talent does not make any changes, but 99% of hardwork will change the fate of the result", so why am i still here? I shall go off to study now :)

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