Saturday, April 25, 2009

Screw life......

i believe that the title sae everything now.

Life is realli screwing up nwaday with exam just a few day away, and i really doubt that i am ready for it. i never knew that exam was really so screwed up, until the date realli come near. Almost every freaking soul in the whole damn god small singapore think that result is the MOST important thing for a student. i SERIOUS having doubt in that. Reading the news nowaday, might just seeing title like " student suicide due to exam stress", " peer pressure said it all".

I think its up to a point, where all the student might be just studying so dam hard for their exam, and giving up so many stuff around them, which must result in deprive childhood. Unlike kid in European country, their childhood life is always the time they get to enjoy, and have fun with it. Y isint SG doing the same stuff? Do it mean that singapore child must really go thou all this suffering, despite there was a saeing "ć…ˆè‹ŠćŽç”œ", i believe that during the period of bitter, abit of sweet must come in as well, NOT JUZ PURELY BITTER.

Ok, pardon for all the ranting, cause life is realli in hectic as exam in just few days away, and when everything that come to u wont be as impt as be4, except for books. and yea, i am finally back to blogging after a long while, and yea pls pardon for the language used, as i felt its a freedom of speech in the world now.

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