Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy b'dae jozoe

To jozoe the elmo:
Happy 13rd b'dae for you, and ty for all the joke sms that u had been sending mi this morning, its was realli nice and sumhw keep mi awake awhile >.> and dun be offended by sum of the stuff i sae ok, if yea tell mi :x Esp. the part on elmo, HAHA, but whose care i noe u are a good junior and commited SC, am i rite to sae so. :) andandand i think u still own mi something hor, cant 4get ok? Lastly, happy 13rd b'dae to you again.

Hehe, juz wake up from a nap after a long day of event, yay nap totally own when exam is juz tmr, its juz like cutting urself wif penknife and watching the blood dripping w/o doing anything. Ok that juz for random and lame. :x

Look at the freaking time, its 923pm, y cant it juz stop moving, every sec it tick, its mean that MYE is starting soon, but yea at the same time its ending soon aso. Happy thought, happy thought :) 14 days~ tahan ah....

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