Thursday, April 30, 2009

First paper screwed...

First happiness: YAY, my Dad is finally back to singapore after his work trips which lasted for quite awhile, from USA to korea :) welcome back, the feeling of you at singapore is totally different in other country. Yay to my car-ride for my Vball stuff now, no nid to take MRT to seatosa anymore, woots. Having Dad by urself contain dam lot of advantages, despite of all the nagging and scolding we get some of the time.

MYE had started today, beginning with HMT paper. Paper 1 was rather fine, whereas for paper 2, somehow its never turn out as expected, the compre is REALLI hard to understand. I had at least read 3 time before i start attempting to do them. Praying really hard i wont fail them. *finger cross* plsplspls, I nid use my HMT to be my L1, coz my english is totally cmi, lins/faith/JJ would realli noe well abt it. Finally 1 down, 8 more to go ah...

After the HMT paper, had went to study with soo's, nicol, ben at my house. As normal the soo's is making the most noise and making ppl laughing like crazy, but at least we still gt some of the stuffs we wanted to do done. Hoho, act of guai kia :), and nicol had onli came to ask 1 qus on SBQ, which take less then 10mins? David was really like a CNN reporter when he was trying to express out his essay answer, its was realli for some joke I guess. Went down to plae Bball and Vball at around 530pm, and they had left around 730pm, just get to noe from david, they got peace at home. OH YEA, David had left his HP, whereas Peter had left his wallet at my house, which result in me exercising more after plaeing ball, ty alot man. (no niao involve thou) Went out str8 after they left.

Second Happiness: Finally got to change my phone after awhile, its was LG KF750, which the soo's hav it aso, thou its wasnt realli the one i wanted but yea still qutie happy I get to chng it le. YAY, 3 cheers for my parent. First thing my dad touch-down in Singapore, sms mi abt my exam, den next giv mi this kind of surprise. Woots, love you guys dam lot :)

Labour day tmr, dun realli seem to be fun, as its mean that the flooding of MYE is coming soon, but yet on the other hand, 13 more days to end of MYE, Happy Thought Happy Thought. MYE can you just end earlier, if not let the flu attack singapore (touch wood) and make the school close down ah, giving everyone a break man, its realli tiring.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy b'dae jozoe

To jozoe the elmo:
Happy 13rd b'dae for you, and ty for all the joke sms that u had been sending mi this morning, its was realli nice and sumhw keep mi awake awhile >.> and dun be offended by sum of the stuff i sae ok, if yea tell mi :x Esp. the part on elmo, HAHA, but whose care i noe u are a good junior and commited SC, am i rite to sae so. :) andandand i think u still own mi something hor, cant 4get ok? Lastly, happy 13rd b'dae to you again.

Hehe, juz wake up from a nap after a long day of event, yay nap totally own when exam is juz tmr, its juz like cutting urself wif penknife and watching the blood dripping w/o doing anything. Ok that juz for random and lame. :x

Look at the freaking time, its 923pm, y cant it juz stop moving, every sec it tick, its mean that MYE is starting soon, but yea at the same time its ending soon aso. Happy thought, happy thought :) 14 days~ tahan ah....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I no need a title today.

Mood wasnt realli going in the right path now, its seem to have sort of mood-swing nowaday. Exam the main effecting factor of everything right now, whether u would promote this yr, getting into a gd JC nxt yr.

Exam would serious make a person go beresek over it, after u knew urself that u had nrv even perform well enough for all ur test be4. I juz get bak my summary test and I onli score 10/25, when u convert into 100%, its onli 40 marks, a E8. How pathetic can stuff get nowaday. Failing a english which result in everything and anything, hopefully I wont flunk them this mid-yr if not i might juz die.

~ Hopefully I will pass all my exam
~~ Hopefully I can get to plae beach vball str8 after exam
~~~ I must diedie finish my essay tonite, and start studying for other subs
~~~~ Must rmb to remind ELMO to bang onto the wall (random...)


To lins:
Ty you so much for ur help just now, despite of having common test, u had still help mi out abit. xiexie ni
Thou u had said sumthing which wasnt realli nice to be heard, but yet i felt that u are saeing the fact which is rather true and its realli make mi think for awhile. I believe it would work the same way as " medicine dun work unless its bitter".
Realli ty alot, and all the best for ur common test and upcoming MYE, strive ur best.

~Edited 2~
"being halal doesnt mean you're safe from the flu. Muslims are equally vulnerable" quoted by hs :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

3 more days to MYE...

School was as normal, there are content of fun and bored in the classroom, where all the student will faced off when they are schooling. Hmm, there was such of small arguement in class over a grp of ppl, and its had attract alot of attention. No offend to anyone but the ways u guys settle stuffs wont have any solution.

School had ended at 210pm, but yet i onli leave sch at 530pm. Speically thank to soo's for that man, u had not onli wasted ur own time, but so many other ppl time who are waiting for u and helping u out for the compo. But yea, obvious i wanted to reach home asap, and had nrv expected that u need such a long time to write the stuff, but after helping you out abit, hopefully u will at least read and understand and get prepared for ur MYE man. Chinese paper is the first paper for our MYE leh, u better try your best and score well, better dun let it pull ur MSG down. jiayous

Juz knew abt July 18 beach vball stuff, its a 4v4 mixed and the first price was 2k bucks. $.$ and its was open to age from 13-21 and only opening to 16 team to take part, if any vballer wanna plae tell mi k. (ty gev for the info, xiexie ni )

HMT is our first paper, hopefully i wont flunk it. 3 days/72hr/4320 mins/259200 secs. Hai, i wan gd result for this yr MYE ah.

Oh to the "special one" :
U had been always bias and onli listen to one-sided story, do u think that make u a likeable person?
U had nrv even bother to care abt wad other feeling is abt whereas u onli care abt urself. No one had bother to bring this point up to you, and i am here to sae you are juz nth but sum bitchy ppl out there. Seriously, you shldnt even be existing in the world to ruin relationship.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Study, study and still study...

yay, its been so long i had started to motivated myself to study for such a long period of time, and futuremore, without using of comp. :) its much be some rare-ness of myself now. (c faith, its had been proven i am guai kia :), ok its juz for joke, i noe u are more guai :x ). Had wake up rather early to start doing my work, and had fallen asleep halfway when i was trying to finish them. opps. But at least i am rather completed with all of them right now. Proud of myself :D.

Juz went jogging with my brother to west mall, and we had went to NTUC to get wad we needed for the week. Coffee milk, soyamilk, chocolates and tibit. YAY :) finally aft a long while had went to shop and bought so many stuff, most important thing is, WE DID NOT NID TO PAY FOR DEM, spon by mum.

Lastly, exam is just like 4 more days away, and i MUST stay focus with my work right now, in order to get gd result. There was this saeing "
1% of talent does not make any changes, but 99% of hardwork will change the fate of the result", so why am i still here? I shall go off to study now :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Screw life......

i believe that the title sae everything now.

Life is realli screwing up nwaday with exam just a few day away, and i really doubt that i am ready for it. i never knew that exam was really so screwed up, until the date realli come near. Almost every freaking soul in the whole damn god small singapore think that result is the MOST important thing for a student. i SERIOUS having doubt in that. Reading the news nowaday, might just seeing title like " student suicide due to exam stress", " peer pressure said it all".

I think its up to a point, where all the student might be just studying so dam hard for their exam, and giving up so many stuff around them, which must result in deprive childhood. Unlike kid in European country, their childhood life is always the time they get to enjoy, and have fun with it. Y isint SG doing the same stuff? Do it mean that singapore child must really go thou all this suffering, despite there was a saeing "ć…ˆè‹ŠćŽç”œ", i believe that during the period of bitter, abit of sweet must come in as well, NOT JUZ PURELY BITTER.

Ok, pardon for all the ranting, cause life is realli in hectic as exam in just few days away, and when everything that come to u wont be as impt as be4, except for books. and yea, i am finally back to blogging after a long while, and yea pls pardon for the language used, as i felt its a freedom of speech in the world now.