Tuesday, September 29, 2009


WHERE ARE YOU MOTIVATION, I need them so badly right now. Exam is just 2 days away? And i am hardly prepare for it. Seriously dead le. -.-

A day on mc was totally slack like wth, i never do anything except for stoning, i doubt i had even rest enough. But yea, should be going to school tomorrow due to last minute hardwork ba. Hopefully it do work. :(

Thank all for your gws message. :D

Monday, September 28, 2009


Just visit the doctor with high fever and was given mc. Meaning i gonna miss lesson and EOY is just around the corner. Dead meat, NOT PORK U ASSHOLE. :D

K, i gonna drink lots of water and rest :D SLEEP LIKE A PIG

I am gonna be determine to sleep soon. Like WOAH, it onli 1105pm. LOL

Anyway what right do you have to scold me when i was the innocent party? I am just stoning down there not doing thing equal my fault also? Can u just be more reasonable please, It really getting sian when i try to get along with you. Like i said, life wasnt the same as compare to before, but can you just try to adapt. -.-

I am super scare that i will lost the willpower to fight on, and ending up gave out without giving myself a good reason, i definably dun wish to do it, but when time had permit me to, i might. I am afraid to lost.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Finally i am down after so long. Fever, muscle pain whatever. Must be lack of sleep. So i should go and sleep now. :(


Edited at 7.55pm.

Can you just stop being such a judgmental person, u know it really really hard to get along with you nowadays. And seriously, you had change alot, but i don't really care much about it now. I am still who I am even after all these event, i wont change my mindset just because of you. Stand firm with my own belief. Goddam you.

Woots, i finally found out about this.

She's So Sexy So Cool, She's The Baddest Girl I Seen,
I'm Wondering Why I Only See Her In My Dreams,
The Love Of My Life, She's The Only One For Me,
My L.O.V.E. Oh My L.O.V.E.

Baby, Your My Shootin Star,
Ride With Me And I'll Take You Far,
Explore The World And Back Around,
You Lift Me Up And You Hold Me Down..

You Hold The Crown And You Make This Team,
There's No couple Like This King And Queen,
There's No Other Couple Like You And Me,
The Girl Of My Dreams, My Everything..

I, I Love This Feelin..
Ya, Ya Love Is Healin..
I, I Need It, I Breathe It, No Way I'd Ever Leave It..

I'm So Into You, Don't Know What I'd Do,
Ya Love Is So True, It's Just Me And My Boo.

She's So Sexy So Cool, She's The Baddest Girl I Seen,
I'm Wondering Why I Only See Her In My Dreams,
The Love Of My Life, She's The Only One For Me,
My L.O.V.E. Oh My L.O.V.E.

(Allan I)
I Never Thought I Find Another Love Like This,
I Never Forget The First Time We Kissed, (We kissed)
Your Body Against Mine, The Touch Of Your Skin,
Your Lips Such A Beautiful Kiss, (Such A Beautiful Kiss)

My L.O.V.E, She Elvate Me,
She Fly And So Free, Was Blind Now I See,
And Without Her Now What Would I Be,
Now What I Am, But I'll Still Be A G,

I'll Still Be Hype, I'll Still Shine Bright,
Who Be There To Hold Me So Tight,
Who Be There When It's Lonely At Night,
My Wife So Right, The Love Of My Life

She's So Sexy So Cool, She's The Baddest Girl I Seen,
I'm Wondering Why I Only See Her In My Dreams,
The Love Of My Life, She's The Only One For Me,
My L.O.V.E. Oh My L.O.V.E.

(Allan I)
Your So Picture Perfect, I Can't Imagine My Life Without You..
It's Like I'm Floating On Air Whenever Your Here..
Baby Come With Me And I'll Take You There!!!

She's So Sexy So Cool, She's The Baddest Girl I Seen,
I'm Wondering Why I Only See Her In My Dreams,
The Love Of My Life, She's The Only One For Me,
My L.O.V.E. Oh My L.O.V.E.

She's So Sexy So Cool, She's The Baddest Girl I Seen,
I'm Wondering Why I Only See Her In My Dreams,
The Love Of My Life, She's The Only One For Me,
My L.O.V.E. Oh My L.O.V.E.

(M.i.C. Break-Down)
L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E

She's So Sexy So Cool, She's The Baddest Girl I Seen,
I'm Wondering Why I Only See Her In My Dreams,
The Love Of My Life, She's The Only One For Me,
My L.O.V.E. Oh My L.O.V.E.

:D, my inspiration of finding this just come from nowhere. Haha, k, it time to mug now, had been slacking hell lot this few day. x.x

Friday, September 25, 2009

A leader

I believe some of you might know what had happen, but i just feel like typing them out, if not i will die of boredness. :D

A leader is one who will voice out when he felt something is wrong or might not be in the way that it should be, he/she might not had to hold any leadership position. FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
A leader do not follow what other say, and had a mindset of it own.
A leader should make his/her own decision, and not allowing other to choose for him. A leader is Ftw but not a follower. :D

Dam, i forget alot others le. BUT I BELIEVE THE 3 POINT ABOVE IS ENOUGH TO COVER. :x
I gonna make my own decision, hence PLEASE DO NOT DECIDE FOR ME.


Today, rubbish crapmate talk to me again, AND AS PER NORMAL, the first part was just rubbish again, and i believe i had clear all your doubt. Please keep everything in the convo :D. Gd luk in editing your bimbo picture. HAHA

Talking about bimbo, make me think of the TIKO BIMBO POSTER. lol. THANK TO WHOEVER HAD DONE IT AH. XIEXIE.



edited at 2.21am: Was still talking to Clare, it was so long since we lasted talk, and we are still like sort of quite close and the openness is not where you can get it everywhere, where people might just think you are a laotiko. :X LET THE CONVO STAY THERE, NEVER BRING IT OUT AGAIN. HAHA

Monday, September 21, 2009


Yesterday was hcjc, pvsp. THE WISE OLDMAN OR THE MUSCULAR YOUNG MAN. I guess the answer wasnt out ba. :X

Yay, we got third for volleyball, but it was somehow quite expected. First was shawn lim team, and second was melvin+ alot hcjc a div player. Quite tough to play them on, but definably a good experience for all of us in the court. But it was meant to be a R&R, but turn out to be quite competitive somehow. Esp. in Bball.

The soo's had won champ for Bball, and capt ball, on top of that, david still got third for vball. Zai :D Spam of water bottle ah.

Tonghua said that hcjc people dam friendly wor, and had never regretted for waking up early and go there and play. Haha, try to get your ass into hcjc la. :D jiayous for ur o'lvl

We are the future, we gonna make a change. :D FIGHT FOR YOUR OWN GOALS.

I dont give a damn for where i stand right now, but you are just a super judgmental person who change your attitude super fast, so much for being the best friend for the moment, yea, i know human do change but what that? Tell me the time where we are together, and now we are just like foe to each other. Avoiding 1 another? The night before, i was still thinking what am i suppose to do when i see you. But your attitude had show everything. IT'S OVER.


Friday, September 18, 2009


I am gonna make this a short one as i am really tired and bored now. :x

Friendship- how does it break? Had this question ever hit your mind before?

Both friends will think the other is busy and will not contact each other thinking it might disturbing to the other party. As time passes, both friends will think ' let the other oen contact me first..'

After some time, each will think ' why should i contact first?'

From here onwards your friendship will be converted to hate.

Finally, the memory become weak due to the lack of contact and we had forget each other.

I dont want to end our friendship in such a way, which is why i am telling you this right now. Friendship are like gold, without polishing, it becomes dull. Whereas if you take care of it will shine like the brightest star.

Wasnt that somehow just being true. Roar 11 more days to eye, and i am still like some slacking ass. -.- GG.com

There still 1 more about thing about friendship one, BUT THE GODDAM PANDA IS NOT SENDING THEM TO ME :(

Wee, hoping the best for tmr pvsp, hope we can get into at least top 4 ba, jiayous people :D

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Recently nothing much happen, so i shall just go MIA now :D

Sunday, September 13, 2009

End of holiday

I had went to private my blog, since i think that drafting everything up and not posting them is the same as privating it. But yea, i had un-private it soon, because i am posting out once again. :D I had changed the skin and no more cbox for now. :D anything just leave a comment ba.

Boo, reflection really do help at point of time, this holiday i really wrote down what i need and what i want so badly, and i had think of what can i do to make it possible, yea and some reflection about more personal stuff, so it wasn't meant to be posting. I'm sorry :D cheer~

This holiday is a unfruitful one, I had only done some of my work and the rest i think i would just do it tomorrow morning, cause holiday is meant for R&R and not any homework spam. I believe everyone knew that (EXCEPT FOR MUGGER, YES I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU :x).

Ok ba, nothing much happen during holiday, except going back to school like every other day, and yea slacking around and stoning.

Kinda need to go out soon, so yea :D haha

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Yesterday was a lesson-free day, as we got our workshop and the mass talk by William Tan. He was like that kind of people who had tons of hard-works before reaching for his dream. He had fought on in his life and trying to do as many thing as he can. He didn't close the door when he was so ill. His talk really was so motivate (PANDA, you should go learn :D ).

After that, we got this workshop by melvin, who was a big time joker. He had never failed to make us laugh, is like all the sidetracking is so funny. Woots, 1 more session on 15/9, diedie almost must go.

And for goddam sake, please stop changing the hmt teacher, it serious getting irritating. We all know in our mind if li laoshi go, who will be coming back, and i bet it gonna be so screw. Her lesson is bored and no one will listen to it. And it like o'lv next year? Thank sia

Let say about what a success person is.
- Success is moving towards your goal everyday.
- There are no failure in life, only learning experiences
- The greatest failure in life is not giving your 100%
- If you dare to dream, you have a chance.
- brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.
- If i cant, then i MUST!.

Dare to dream.~
If i dared to dream
If there were no such thing as failure
IF i could be/have anything i want

Hey, thank jozoe for helping out alot in the sc t-shirt for the alunmi thing. Xiexie.

I havet been getting reply for quite awhile, never mind , i shall be patient and wait. DARE TO DREAM.

I shall go find the thing for l.o.v.e :D

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day out wif wdp sc'06

BOO to the lesson that we had in the morning, and making the school to end at 1pm. I guess we are one of the few school which have lesson yesterday, and it totally suck, it just simply like you are in the holiday mood, yet you still had to attend. wts. On the bright side, yesterday lesson was still slack and fun somehow. At least it was better then the toast session or the game. BOO IT.

School ended at 1pm, and I had rush to cwp to meet up with my fellow sc darlings, I thought i will be the last to reach, but kang ending up to be the last. haha. When i reach cwp, i saw sarah and serene outside breadtalk, and max, wanxin, zuan is at mos burger. Thank for helping me to order first :D haha.

We chat, we talk, we compare out height when the giant had reach mos, we tried to decide where to eat our dinner when we are eating our lunch, we squeeze everyone to the table etc etc :D the bond we had is just so unique and strong.

Upon eating finish, we went back to our alma mater. The feeling was never the same when you are still a student there, and had the mindset " hai, lesson today again". The security is getting more tight in the school, and slowly it had become like more of friend gathering then meeting some of the teacher. It now just seem to be like just an excuse somehow.

Mr ng had asked the alumni sc if they wanted the shirt, and he said he gonna mail me by yesterday, and until now, he havet even mail me. :X how can i return the reply by today as well, it like some people are just plainly dao, and they would take 3 days to reply your sms HOR. K, never mind, when i get the mail, i will just forward to all of you.

Dinner out with sc'06 and ms lim is always the same, we had to take quite awhile before we decide what to eat. But it ok, it just a few minute, and the joy and fun we get is like, nothing in this world can buy. Thank ms lim for the treat, thou is teacher's day, yet you are still the one who pay for us. TYVM.

I had finally done what i wanted to do for a long time, it took me quite awhile to notice what myself is doing, but i am just feeling happy i had finally settle it. I dont really care about the result now, but is the process that we should enjoy, hence i am content with it. :D